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Monday, September 28, 2020

Spanish words from American and Costa Rican and Spanish Place Names, Personal Names and History


Flag of Costa Rica

Costa rica means rich coast. The adjective comes after the noun.

Here's a handy list of Spanish words you can easily learn from place names and the history of the country

Spanish - English (alphabetically)

angeles - angels

bahia - bay

costa - coast

de - of

en - in

flores - flowers

haciendas - plantations

himno - hymn

Jose - Joseph

la - the (singular)

Los - the (plural)

mueva - move

nacional - national

patria - fatherland

Republica - republic

rica - rich

San - saint

San Jose - saint Joseph (city in California, USA; capital city of Costa Rica)

sinopsis - synopsis

symbolos - symbols

un - a/an

y - and

English - Spanish


and - y

angels - angeles

bay - bahia

coast - costa

fatherland - patria

flag - bandera

flowers - flores

hymn - himno

in - en

move - mueva

national - nacional

of - de

Republic - republica

rich - rica

symbols - symbolos

synopsis - sinopsis

the (plural) - los

the (singulare) -la

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