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Sunday, September 13, 2020

Why learn Hebrew?

Hebrew writing starting from the right, like Arabic

A fragment of the Dead Sea Scrolls

Why would I, you or anybody else learn Hebrew?

1 A Jewish barmativah boy or batmitvah girl would need to read a portion in Hebrew. This might take a year or once a week lessons. (But in Israel a barmitvah boy or batmitzvah girl need not study. It's just reading their own language.)

2 A Christian studying for the Catholic Priesthood might learn Hebrew, or be required to learn Hebrew, in order to read the bible (know to Christians as the Old Testament) in the original language of Hebrew.

3 Planning a trip to Israel, it would be handy to speak Hebrew,  in order to read street names, signposts, maps, restaurant names, restaurant menus, bus and train signs and timetables, mailbox signs and times, names of businesses, names of people on doorbells, names on foods and drink packaging in supermarkets..

4 When using Wikipedia for photos, it is handy to recognize names on statues, and the names of Israeli photographers.

5 When restaching WWII and the Holocaust, it is helpful to be able to read the names of businesses and streets in Jewish areas and ghettos in old photos. Also modern Holocaust memorials. And memorial signs on synagogues and gravestones.

6 When passing Jewish restaurants it helps to understand the words kosher, and Beth Din.

7 In supermarkets it helps to read Hebrew in product names and brands, lists of ingredients, both in the kosher section and many products which have multi-language translations.

8 When buying wine, it helps to understand Hebrew words on wine labels. 

9 Hebrew is a stepping stone to learning Greek, Russian and Arabic. The Russian language, created by a priest called Cyril and his brother, used letters from the Greek alphabet, used in the earliest versions of the New Testament, and the Hebrew alphabet used in the Dead Sea Scrolls and early version of the Hebew Bible or Old Testament. Fascinating and helpful for linguists and polyglots.

10 If you attend or watch a wedding or funeral.

11 Helpful for watching documentary or art films (movies) made in Israel.

12 If you are invited to a Jewish wedding or watch it on YouTube, it will enhance your understanding and enjoyment if you understand the parts which are in Hebrew.

13 If you are invited to attend a Jewish funeral, it helps to understand the Kaddish.

15 Many songs from Israel or in Hebrew are attractive.

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About the Author

Angela Lansbury is a travel writer and photographer, author and speaker. Many posts on learning languages on this blog. Please share links to your favourite posts.

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