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Thursday, September 3, 2020

UK Quarantine and Singapore Quarantine

Angela Lansbury wearing a Singapore mask received by the family in Singapore on Singapore National Day in August.

Before you even get to quarantine in Singapore, you have to sign in and out and wear a mask in most public places and shopping malls and big supermarkets.

In the condo where my family live, the lifts have signs.

If you return to Singapore except for a few countries, most vsitors including Singaporeans have to go into two weeks quarantine, paid for by themselves and booked in advance online before return, and you are escorted directly to the qurantine centre. No choice in where you will go.

Heathrow has sanitiser dispensers everywhere.  You can use sanitiser to wipe down the handle of the luggage trolley.
In the UK in a Tesco supermarket there were signs on the door about safe distancing but nobody checking who was wearing masks. However, a government website tells people to wear masks.

In the UK many older people are self-isolating. The situation is unclear to many people. 


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About the Author
Angela Lansbury is a travel writer and photographer, author of 20 books, and a speaker and speech trainer.
Her books include:
Wedding Speeches & Toasts
Quick Quotations
Writing Poetry For Fun
Angela's Alarming Animal Poems
Pantomime characters, pantomime dames create humour.
Angela Lansbury is a travel writer and photographer, author of 20 books, and a speaker and speech trainer.
Her books include:
Wedding Speeches & Toasts
Quick Quotations

Writing Poetry For Fun
Angela's Alarming Animal Poems

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