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Friday, September 18, 2020

Would you want to meet this animal? The Crazy Nastyass Honey Badger (original narration by Randall)

I saw this wording on a Facebook page. I checked it out on Wikipedia. I got the link from there. the video shows the honey badger, an extraordinary creature with moving skin and apparent immunity to cobra bits and bee stings. The phrase thick skinned sudenly seems not merely a metaphor but a real description.

If only we as travellers could develop such defensive abilities. On the other hand, as a human being, we have a life expectancy of three score years and ten, depending on our country of residence and age. Also we can choose to visit the outback in Australia and the wild west in the USA and Asia and Africa, but still have the option of living much of our lives indoors, away from lions, cheetahs and bees and porcupines. 

Next time I am asked what seems a silly question, if you were reincarnated, which animal would you like to be, I would choose either a giant tortoise for longevity, and always being safe at home under my own shell, the flamingo because it is pretty and sociable, or the honey badger, which has such defensive powers. 

Where can you see it? In the wild in Africa and Asia. But I went on Safari in Africa and felt endangered and got only blurred pictures of shadows in the distance. Better to go to a zoo. Better still, stay home, look at the wildlife around my balcony, my back garden, or the fruit flies on my fruit and admire these wonderful videos which allow me to travel the world, in a video encyclpaedia. On video. the safest form of travel. 

Useful Websites
The youtube video link to share

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