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Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Burial of the Sardine in Spain, Ceremony in Arrecife, Lanzarote, Canary Islands. Photos Geoff Parkes

Burial of the Sardine. Arrecife, Lansarote, canary Islands. Photo by Geoff Parkes.

Here is Geoff Parkes's picture of the beach by daylight.

 I was alerted to this Sardine event on Facebook. A post by Geoff Parkes, who I know from Writers' Summer school in Swanwick, England, showed several great pictures. 

His photos were taken by him at Arrecife, the capital city of Lanzarote in the Spanish Canary Islands, in the Atlantic Ocean.

The Burial of the Sardine is a ceremony in Spanish cities such as Madrid, the capital. 

The giant sardine model is paraded in a gilded glass cage. The model is burned, symbolising the end of the old and a new start. On Ash Wednesday, a Christian festival.  The day ends with fireworks above the beach, over the water, where they can be seen for miles

The Burial of the Sardines is also the title of a painting of the ceremony, by Goya, in a Madrid art gallery.

El entierro de la sardina (Goya)

I have seen a lot of strange ceremonies, how can I put this diplomatically, unusual and unexpected processions and cultural traditions. England has rolling of cheese downhill. Spain has burial of the sardine.

As a traveller and photographer, I am always on the lookout for something different. So long as it amusing and non-violent, I shall simply raise my eyebrows -  and camera.

Ash Wednesday is the first day of lent, fasting or abstinence, ending at Easter. Ash Wednesday was 22nd of Feb 2023.

In the Republic of Ireland Ash Wednesday is National No Smoking Day.

Lanzarote and the Canary Islands

You've missed it this year, but what about next year. Why should you go to Lanzarote? Lanzarote is a popular cruise stop. The port of Arrecife is also a fishing area, hence the fish festival.

Local landmarks on Lanzarote include two castles, one of which contains an art gallery, and the bridges approaching them. 

A modern feature is the desalination plant making water from sea water.


Spanish - English (alphabetically)

angeles - angels

arrecife - Spanish for reef

bajo - low

castillo - castle

Cristo - Christ

de - of

el - the (masculine)

entierro - burial/internment

gran - grand

iglesia - church

isla - island

la - the (feminine)

laguna - lake

las - the plural, feminine, as in Las Palmas meaning the palm trees

los - masculine the (plural, as in the USA city Los Angeles which means the angels)

palmas - palms

playa - beach

plaza - square

puente - bridge

puerto - port

punta - point or tip

san - saint

santa cruz - holy cross

sardina - sardine

torres - towers

Angela Lansbury is learning Spanish on Duolingo. Here are words from the maps and texts about travel in the Canaries.

English - Spanish (alphabetically)

angels - angeles (LA in the USA)

beach - playa

bridge - puente

burial/internment - entierro

castle - castillo

Christ - Cristo

church - iglesia

grand - gran

holy cross - santa cruz

island - isla

lake - laguna

low - bajo

of - de

palms -palmas

point or tip - punta

port - puerto

reef - arrecife

saint - san

sardine - sardina /sardinha

square - plaza

the - el (m)/ la (f)

the - la (feminine)/el (masculine)

the - los (plural masculine)

the - las (plural feminine)

towers - torres

If you go there and miss the festivals, you might enjoy seeing the sculptures of the late artist.

at Casa-Museo César Manrique en Haría, Lanzarote

Wind sculpture Pictures from Wikipedia and Wikitravel.

Pictures from Wikipedia article on the artist.

Useful Websites


description of the Goya painting

Festival in Murcia, SE Spain

For a look at the things to do including the vineyard bodega and wind sculptures, see:,round%2Dup%20Lanzarote's%20loveliest%20beaches.

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