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Friday, March 3, 2023

Useful Spanish words for your holiday in Spain or South America or the Canary Islands - or if you are a linguist


Spanish - English (alphabetically)

angeles - angels

arrecife - Spanish for reef

bajo - low

castillo - castle

Cristo - Christ

de - of

el - the (masculine)

entierro - burial/internment

gran - grand

iglesia - church

isla - island

la - the (feminine)

laguna - lake

las - the plural, feminine, as in Las Palmas meaning the palm trees

los - masculine the (plural, as in the USA city Los Angeles which means the angels)

palmas - palms

playa - beach

plaza - square

puente - bridge

puerto - port

punta - point or tip

san - saint

santa cruz - holy cross

sardina - sardine

torres - towers

Angela Lansbury is learning Spanish on Duolingo. Here are words from the maps and texts about travel in the Canaries.

English - Spanish (alphabetically)

angels - angeles (LA in the USA)

beach - playa

bridge - puente

burial/internment - entierro

castle - castillo

Christ - Cristo

church - iglesia

grand - gran

holy cross - santa cruz

island - isla

lake - laguna

low - bajo

of - de

palms -palmas

point or tip - punta

port - puerto

reef - arrecife

saint - san

sardine - sardina /sardinha

square - plaza

the - el (m)/ la (f)

the - la (feminine)/el (masculine)

the - los (plural masculine)

the - las (plural feminine)

towers - torres

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