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Sunday, October 1, 2017

How To Learn The Last Letters of the Russian Cyrillic Alphabet

In the previous posts we learned the Russian or Cyrillic letters A-U (U written like a y, as in the word You).

The circle with an upright line is the F. (What the f... is this 0 with a line through it! The letter F.) 
The upside down h is a ch. Remember how you play the children's game with a church and turn it upside down.
The big W is a Sh, as in Hebrew.
The W with an extra comma is a double sound, shch.
The b with a line like a delete across the top is like the b in the English word comb, not pronounced. The reversed E is an E. Io is like YO. The reversed r is like the r in word EAR. you say IA, without pronouncing the R at the end. R is IA.

Time for a coffee break. Come back to the next post for some more Russian letters.

Angela Lansbury, travel writer and photographer, author and speaker. Teacher of English and other languages. See my previous posts on learning Russian. Please bookmark your favourite posts and follow me and share links with your family and friends.

PS - Watch out for my two new travel websites coming soon. One will be on destinations. The other will be on what to pack and wear. I shall announce it on one of my posts on this website within a week. This website has the words Angela Lansbury and travel. One of the new ones will contain the word travel.

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