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Sunday, April 30, 2017

Unsung Indian heroes in India - road accident rescues and pothole filler

flag of Romania 

I was quite depressed yesterday. I researched Romania. Found Dracula. And discovered that the reality was worse than the fiction.

 Not just in Romania, but all over the world, throughout history. Crucifixion by the Romans just one example of the public torture was the norm worldwide as it still is in parts of the Middle East, until along came Queen Victoria and the police trying to clear traffic jams cause by crowds in the streets watching public executions, which did not deter anybody, because pickpockets had a great time stealing from people watching the executions of pickpockets. (The criminals and thieves just regarded it as a risk in a world where everybody was out to get you and everybody for himself and nobody would help you.)

So it was with great pleasure that I found the BBC running a series on Indians who were helping. I started reading about a man who helps road accident victims. Then I followed links to a story about the man filling in potholes.

They are both examples of people following Gandhi's principle: Be the change you wish to see.

Good old BBC, doing what we expected of the BBC in the old days. Well-researched articles, uplifting, answers to problems.

USA Fatality from pothole story about the man filling in potholes.

Follow links on the page to the man saving road accident victims.

It's reassuring to know that somebody is filling in dangerous potholes causing accidents, and somebody else is rescuing accident victims in the critical hour. Let's hope that, like a ripple, these good efforts, good idea, and good people, will spread around their country and eventually worldwide to benefit travellers everywhere.
Angela Lansbury, travel writer and photographer.

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