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Tuesday, May 7, 2019

How To Photograph And Video Your Inaccessible Destination and On Holiday

First, start with the end in mind. Are you planning to video yourself for your family or the public?

Plan your destinations and inform your guide of your intentions. I have been on many trips where the guide has decided to cut out the one place which was the purpose of my trip.

I wanted a photo of the statue of Robin Hood for my article on Nottingham. The statue was in the centre of the city and it was sunny.

However, the guide said we had no time and could take it another day. On day two we took a different route. One day three it was pouring with rain.

When I was writing for an Arab publication, my family decided that it was too far to drive to the home of Lawrence of Arabia in Southern England.'Anyway, it's closed at the time we would arrive," they argued.

I insisted on going. At least I could get a picture of the outside of the house and my impression of it and whether my readers would similarly have to set off early in the day to be sure of getting to a remote place during daylight in winter during the short days.

I got my photo of the outside of the house . Also the road where he was supposed to have fallen off his motorcycle. Plus some plaques about him along the way. I read up about his life. I followed up with a phone call to the owners of the property to check what remained from his time, what tourists could and got not see. I checked opening hours.

On another occasion I was writing for a Jewish publication. I wanted a photo of a synagogue in Shanghai. The guide told me it was closed and not accessible.

I insisted that I would photograph the street name and photograph it from a distance and describe the area. When we arrive, a guard tried to stop me entering.

However, he did not speak English and I did not speak Mandarin, so I walked a few steps past, took a very quick photo and returned, bowing and thanking politely.

Romania's Ionescu
It was shut. However, from the gate you could get a good view of the house. Photo number 1 Outside was a heritage plaque. Photo number 2. A photo of my music box playing the anthem he wrote. Picture 3. The man's face in a photo in Wikipedia.. Photo 4. His statue outside a convert hall or museum in the capital of the country. Photo 5.

Angela Lansbury
Travel writer and photographer, author and speaker.

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