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Monday, February 27, 2017

Easy German words: chicken, cows, wasps and more

How to remember German words?

Find an English word which sounds similar and make up a sentence.

I find it useful to type up the words I have learned. It is easy to remember once, looking at the capital letter of the German when it matches the English. But when I start typing I forget where the dots go above the letters. I have learned that you press the key for the vowel and up comes a choice of accents. The ö and the ü are both with two dots above are both inserted by tapping the number two fast.

German - English
Delfin (ein Delfin) - dolphin (Spelling memory aid - Germans are straightforward and simplify spelling. Ph becomes F. An elderly dolphin - D E l f i n. I had to insert spaces because spell checker turned the word into the English elfin. Maybe I should remember an elfin dolphin!)
Huhn (Das Huhn) - the hen / chicken (How do I remember Das Huhn? Why did the chicken or hen DASh across the road?)
Hörner - horns
Kühe - cows (Spelling memory aid: change the German K into CK as in kick and C - cows give cool, healing milk, only three or four letters, a short word)
Säugetier - mammal. (Spelling memory aid - S U c k l i n g , a s u c k l E R, a Great pig has a TIER of nipples)
Schafer - sheep (Memory aid for the sound of the first syllable: What SHApe is your Sheepskin rug?)
Sticht - sting
Streifen - stripes
Tiger - tiger (Der Tiger - spelling memory aid
Wespe - wasp (If the Vespa hits you it will sting)

English - German
chicken/hen - das Huhn
cows - Kühe
dolphin - Delfin
horns - Hörner
mammal - Säugetier
sheep - Schafer (Memory aid sentence for the spelling of the German word - you Sheep had been SHApe up, and stop CHAFing yourselves on the barbed wire)
Streifen - stripes
sting - sticht (Memory aid for spelling letters STIng - STIcht - ouCH! aCHT!)
tiger - Tiger (Remember capitals for German Tigers which are big animals with a big initial letter. The word the before TigER is dER - DER TigER
wasp - Wespe (pronounced like the Italian scooter, Vespa)

Angela Lansbury, teacher of English, languages and public speaking.
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