If you are a Singapore citizen or Permanent Resident, which is an official status, aged over 50, no need to make an appointment, just walk in.
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Tuesday, November 29, 2022
Vaccinations free for those over 50 in Singapore - and centres in the UK
If you are a Singapore citizen or Permanent Resident, which is an official status, aged over 50, no need to make an appointment, just walk in.
Hindu Temple in Singapore - a happy moment admiring it
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Monday, November 28, 2022
How To Attend A Club Event - Paid For Or Free
How could you get to attend if you are not a member? You might be invited to an event because>
1 Guests - Family and Friends
The organizers are selling tickets guest and member tickets which are reduced price for members (who are already paying the organization and annual fee or a montly fee, as well as the joining fee) but often only slightly more for guests. If you have lots of friends through one club, they are likely to know members of another club or to be a member of two clubs. Some clubs allow members to take in friends or family as guests.
2 Keep asking all your Singapore friends, are you a member of a club? In my early days as an ex-pat, I met lots of Americans through the American Women's Association. You could join this if you were waiting to be a member of the American Club, or in Singapore insufficient time to make it worthwhile paying the joining fee. Members of the association could meet at each other's homes for events such as bridge games and end of year parties, attend festive meals such as Thanksgiving, and attend moderately priced events in hired rooms such as the bridge game with sandwich lunch or tea. Full members had full use of the club including the swimming and could book tables in the restaurant. On a couple of occasions, one of the 'bossy' or busy or proactive ladies would suggest we all went for coffee or lunch in the restaurant. She had to book the table and the payment would be invoiced to her at the end of the month. We could either secretly slip her cash afterwards to compensate her, invite her back to our club or out to lunch if she was a friend. Or if only one person out of five was not a member, one of the other women who was a member might airily say, "don't worry, this is on me".
Another system. When I first arrived, I knew nobody and was very lonely when my husband was away travelling. I would invite people to lunch at the club, but most of them were too busy with their own families and friends or work. I was desperately hoping somebody would accept and was happy to pay the cost of their lunch. My husband was having meals out with business associates all day every day. I was not even getting a Saturday evening meal out with him. He could hardly begrudge me one meal with a friend or acquaintance.
On one occasion I invited a VIP lady organizer of a group, a bridge group, or a book group, or one of the national associations (American Club, Japanese Club, Australian club). She arrived with a gift for me, a silver picture frame. She explained, "I cannot reciprocate by inviting you back to my club because I am fully booked all week and we are going back to America." I then realized that some people just accept that life is swings and roundabouts, sometimes you pay for a stranger, sometimes they pay for you. Other people like every transaction and relationship to balance, so if you invite them to a meal, whether at their home or a restaurant, you don't wait for an opportunity to reciprocate, because that might never come if one of you travels elsewhere or falls sick. You take a gift for the host.
How do you do this at short notice? It's like planning for Xmas. If you do it on a regular basis, you can plan in advance. You and buy in the sales. You have a box or basket labelled gifts.
All ready wrapped with fancy paper and ribbons. (The Japanese always expect gifts to be fancily wrapped. In China and Singapore even money must be presented in a lucky red packet.)
Then, if you are on the phone and are invited out and have to leave now, no time for shopping, you simply grab a gift from the box. If you like you can add the name of the person on the gift tag, and a nice message such as to my new friend, to my good friend, or thank you for the lovely lunch.
Reciprocal Clubs
If you are a member of a club, or the company you belong to has membership for all staff, you can get reciprocal arrangements overseas. For example, members of the UK civil service can join the Civil Service Club. I met him through a local Writer's club in London. He introduced me to a Toastmasters International Club. He is a member of several clubs, including some connected with Indian language groups. He arranges a Christmas dinner at the Civil Service Club for his friends.
You can visit many clubs just to be shown around with a view to becoming a member. Whilst there, look at the lists of activities. Some will be cultural. Book clubs, film clubs, national clubs. If you are sporty, you are sure to see a group such as football, cricket, squash, and cabinets of trophies or lists of events. If you are not nearby, you can check them out online. Find our what arrangements they have with clubs in your country.
If you are into sales, you might hire a table at a Christmas fare, to sell wine, jewellery, clothes, candles, food, books. You might have a customer who is a member of the club.
The Tanglin Club's Reciprocal Clubs
In Australia alone there are many reciprocal clubs, for example, several branches of the RAC club in different cities. In India, the Cricket Club in Mumbai is one of several.
Guests can book rooms in the club. See the club website for details.
Useful Websites
Sunday, November 27, 2022
Colourful Costumes of Entertainers And Fun Food At The Xmas Tree Lighting Event At The Tanglin Club, with Santa, choir, fancy dress, novelties
Costumed character entertainer, left, with Angela Lansbury, right. Photo by Angela Lansbury.
The Xmas fair novelties for sale included white candles in shapes such as houses, like Xmas cakes. Lickable lollies, each surrounded a stick with flashing lights.
The promised choir was assembled on the grand staircase. Strolling through the crowd and posing for photos were a a pair of red cheeked marionettes, a cuddly bear and a lady on stilts. The stilt walker had to bend low to accompany the other fancy dress characters into the lift.
Xmas Food
The mince pies were tasty. After the lighting the club members could eat the light refreshments from the buffet. Those eating in traditional order started with the savouries. Generously large chicken legs and wings, chips, rather dry and cooked to a crisp, vegetables in white bread sandwiches. Some fish sandwiches.
Assorted seasonal biscuits. Photos by Angela Lansbury
For me the highlights were the chocolate roll cake and the biscuits including white six point stars - they were the best, and three other kings of biscuit. Fruit punch or water could be retrieved from a dispenser.
Children could line up for photos with Santa. And collect balloons twisted into animals and other shapes.
Free Photo Session
I lined up for a photo. I asked, "Is this for the club magazine or just for us?"
"Just for you."
"Is it free or do we pay you?"
"It's free. The club has already paid us."
You received one or two printed colour postcards of yourself, your child, yourself and your child. Or your fancy dress group.
Fancy Dress Hats
They had a table of hats and props. An orange wig. Headbands with antlers. At one point I saw a mock wooden champagne bottle.
By the time I reached the table it had gone. Was it swiped by a child or guest? Or exchanged by the organizers to create variety in the props?
Never mind. I was soon distracted by alternatives. Instead, I posed with the words Selfie, and I am a Star.
Alas it is over. Only the photos remain. Do you have to wait another year to visit the club or look at my photos of birthdays, anniversaries, and previous year's Santas and trees?
New Year's Eve
This event was free, included in the monthly membership that members pay. What else is there to look forward to? Other events at the club include Xmas Eve, which is a paid for event with a choice of early or late, the big champagne dinner, or the shorter drink and snacks.
Past & Future Wine & Dine Dinners
Throughout the year there are wine dinners organized by a wine society which has a membership fee. In November I went to a dinner in the large, grand Churchill Room restaurant, with large round tables for ten, with white cloths, by the wine club. It ended with an auction of a couple of bottles of leftover wine. (In London leftover wine is drunk by those who stick around, continue to the bar, or take it home.)
I have also attended two wine dinners organized by a different group, The Affordable Wine dinner group in the smaller Terrace Bar which has cosy, wooden tables for six.
Useful Websites
See my previous post for the unobstructed view of the Xmas tree in the club lobby.
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Saturday, November 26, 2022
Christmas Tree & Tree Decorations in the Lobby of the Tanglin Club, Singapore
Photo by Angela Lansbury.
Xmas Lights in Central Singapore, Decorate Scotts Road Trees
See previous post for pillars covered in fairy lights for the Xmas shopping season. Photo by Angela Lansbury.
Friday, November 25, 2022
Singapore Xmas decorations in Orchard Road, and Tang's Department Store's Red Pillars
Thursday, November 24, 2022
Be Prepared, Hiking or Biking: Hikers' Hazards, Safety Supplies & Precautions
As the scouts say, be prepared. Save worry for yourself, your family, and potential rescuers. In some areas, hiking trails are marked as easy or difficult.
Things to do
1 Find a friend. Do not travel in the outback or forest alone.
To join groups starting from cities, contact Hash house harriers with the name of the city. They often meet once a week or once a month, and may have groups for men, women, or families, or families with pets, or different language groups, and may make a charge to visitors, especially if they provide a meal at the end of the run.
2 Check weather reports and suggested supplies for the route.
3 Pack your car with a sleeping bag and first aid kit.
4 Route References Registered
Inform in the USA a ranger of your route.
Leave a map of your route and estimated time of return for your family.
5 Pack food and drink.
Enough for a week in case you get stranded. In containers which stop predatory animals attacking you for food.
Black bears unable to reach backpacks. Photo from Wiki.
6 Print a map and have GPS finder.
7 Select Suitable Clothes For all weathers. Wear a ski jacket which enables you to be found in snow with a bleeping device. A helmet for cycling or motorbikes. Insurance. Anti-tick socks. Goggles for swimming and sun in the snow. Hats and caps which tie on so they don't blow off or get lost. I have a swimsuit with a hood so I don't need a swimming cap.
8 Have a suitable jacket.
9 Wear insect repellent and carry bite soother.
10 In snake-infested areas, sing and throw stones ahead to make snakes move away.
11 Carry a mini tent like an umbrella for shelter in winter or bad weather.
12 Carry hand warmers. (Sold in ski and hiking areas.)
13 Have spare clothing.
14 Have an empty water bottle and wet wipes in case you need a toilet and or can't move because you have hurt your ankle.
15 Do not hike when menstruating because blood attracts dogs and bears and other animals to attack you just as they would attack a bleeding animal for food.
16 Carry a sewing kit.
17 Put a survival guide on your phone.
18 If lost without paths, go downhill to the river in a valley to get drinking water, find a road, or hail passing boats.
19 If stuck in one place, such as a beach or a clearing, or even a road, use clothes or branches to make a large sign to attract searching aircraft.
20 Check on local safety sites.
Online you can buy whistles, torches and knives as well as waterproof clothes and pickpocket proof clothes.
Wiki has advice on what to do when lost.
You can also buy survival guides. In France you can get guides to edible mushrooms.
Useful Websites
California Hiking Safety tips - and tips for bikers and others
Temporary dental repair kit
Tuesday, November 22, 2022
A travel diary - for my 15 Swedish Words Which Sound Similar To English Or Have Relatable Spelling
I now have a new way of recording languages. A list of new words in a travel diary. I can look back and recall early words.
On the train yesterday I completed another Swedish lesson whilst travelling. The time on the boring journey flew by.
Swedish - English
Adverbs And Vocabulary
1 äntligen - at last/finally
2 hela - whole
3 helt - completely (like up to the hilt)
4 kort - short
5 langa - long or tall
6 nära - near - notice the a and the a with two dots pronounced like e
7 ny - new
8 ofta - often
9 personalen - personnel/staff
10 röd (with two dots over the o) - red
11 salt - salt
12 studerar - studies
13 senare - later (like seniors, in their later years, arrive later)
14 snart - soon, (it starts soon, it starts with s. be quick about it, he snarled. s -rt)
15 vegetarianer - vegetarian
English - Swedish
1 at last/finally - äntligen
2 completely - helt
3 later - senare
4 long/tall - langa
5 near - nära
6 new - ny
7 often - ofta
8 personnel/staff - personalen
9 red - röd
10 salt - salt
11 short - kort
12 soon - snart
13 studies - studerar
14 vegetarian - vegetarianer
15 whole - hela
Useful Websites
An overview of grammar and spelling and a few foreign words adopted from French and German
A free course of 51 sections, each of 6-9 short multiple choice questions with some pronunciation tests where you speak what you hear.
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Monday, November 21, 2022
Language Teachers & Learners - Interlingua Exhibition in Germany is Online
I was emailed about the Interlingua exhibition in Germany. 23-26 November 2022. They have stands from language schools, Esperanto, all sorts of people. Linking up with them led me to other places, such as Interlinguo on Facebook and Esperanto on Facebook.
Esperanto or Interlingua
I found Esperanto first. The idea is that it follows rules.
The idea is that it takes words which are already common in many languages so it is immediately understood if you know a romance language. No diacritics (those little tags and hats and dots on letters).
In theory diacritics like punctuation are designed to help you, with pronunciation. I find them easy in French, but scary and confusing in Swedish and Chinese (Mandarin). They should help speed you up in reading and saying a work. However, I find that they slow me down.
Useful Websites
Wikipedia (in Esperanto and several languages)
translate google
Saturday, November 19, 2022
Why Learn Another Language? (Plus 7 easy Swedish words)
Flag of Esperanto. From Wikipedia.
1 Be Bilingual
Being bilingual could stave off Alzheimers for five years. Giving you quality of life. Saving you from sad visits to grannies. Saving the government money.
2 Why Start Language Learning With Esperanto?
If you only speak one language, (English and louder English) and are scared of languages, the easiest is to learn Esperanto. It is a made up language designed as an intermediary language for Europeans.
What use is it?
a) People who learn it go on to learn another language and pick it up faster.
3 Where can I speak Esperanto?
b) You can find or start Esperanto clubs on Meetup. In the UK there is one in Reading.
c) Although no country speaks it, you can join the homestay system and stay with another Esperanto speaker for free for three days to practise the language.
d) Countries like Hungary, whose language has little in common with neighbouring languages, favour Esperanto. Hungary has had Esperanto as an A level.) I bought the Esperato-English dictionary and did a correspondence course in Esperanto. You can see a map of where to find Esperanto speakers.
e) Esperanto speakers hold an annual conference.
3 A sense of achievement
Which languages are easiest? First Esperanto if you are European or speak English. Then Spanish, from that Portuguese or Italian. If you are learning Chinese or Japanese, they are a pair. The written language uses the same symbols, like the no smoking sign and washing symbols, the signs are the same, although the spoken words are different. Bulgarian uses Cyrillic like Russian. Cyrillic combines Greek and Hebrew with new letters. Spoken Arabic and Hebrew are similar. Salaam and Shalom mean peace or hello.
German and Dutch and the Scandinavian languages are a group. Finland has Swedish as one of two official languages. Chinese (Mandarin) is also used in Taiwan, and Singapore. (Hong Kong uses Cantonese.)
Humour In Language
Lots of mistakes in language are funny in retrospect. I wanted trousers in a US department store. They say pants for trousers and underpants for pants.
I asked for rubbers.
'Not stocked here. Try a drug store.'
I found them. I confronted the assistant. 'What's this!'
An eraser.
The American for rubbers is erasers. Rubbers are contraceptives.
Spanish, Italian and Portuguese are a group.
Some simple Swedish words
Swedish - English
1 arkitekt - architect
2 modell - model
3 polis - police
4 pappa - papa/Dad (notice the a, unlike American Pop)
5 professionell - professional
6 syster - sister
7 tomat - tomato
English - Swedish
1 architect - arkitekt
2 Dad/pop/papa - pappa
3 model - modell
4 police - polis
5 professional - professionell
6 Sister - syster
7 tomato - tomat
Useful Websites
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Watch your background on Zoom! Unintentional Humour. Intentional Humor.
On Zoom you can create virtual backgrounds showing yourself in front of famous landmarks, or on the beach with the waves rolling in behind you. A moving background can be distracting.
Even worse is a real life moving background. It is not new for passers-by to accidentally walking across behind a live reporter, or to stand behind making silly faces. The technical term is photobombing. Wikipedia found me these.
Many people turn off their cameras at home for good reason. They are eating. They are half naked.
Others do not check their backgrounds. You can see all sort of personal stuff.
What is on the wall behind, you, on the desk, or cabinet. An interview candidate for a job had to quickly remove empty bottles of alcohol, kept as souvenirs and decoration. He was applying for a job in Pakistan.
Children and Pets
Hilarious moments from the early days of working from home and meetings on zoom included backgrounds of dogs or cats which wanted to read the news or express their reaction. Others included children bursting into the room, dragged out by a crawling mother.
At my Toastmasters meetings, I was once mesmerized by the speaker's girlfriend, lying in the bed behind him, every now and then turning over. My mind was inventing what she could do, alone, or if he would later join her, unaware that the back of the room was on camera.
Toilet, Bathroom and Shower
One Toastmasters International member frequently tells the story of how she went to the toilet wearing a pin-on microphone.
Recently I watched a visitor yawn, move the camera, get up and disappear into the shower at the back of the bedroom. The shower water started to run down the glass.
I was waiting to see a silhouette. It reminded me of Psycho. Would an evil stranger creep in? If so, we could not contact him.
I was unable to concentrate on my speeches and roles. Why? Because I was watching to see whether he would emerge wearing pyjama bottoms, a towel, or neither.
Some of the professional Zoom applications allow you to set up your group shots of audience faces in settings such as a classroom of tiered seating, or even mirror photos with frames. For single individuals, yourself, add humorous hats, moustaches and glasses. Key words to search for are: facial effects, studio effects, and make up filters.
Useful Websites
Zoom on facial effects to enhance
Humorous zoom effect tutorial
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Thursday, November 17, 2022
An easy language for travellers - ten words which are almost the same
Swedish - I wish I had started it earlier. It is like a cross between English and German.
Look at these words
Swedish - English
är - are
bruna - brown
cat - katt
dotter - daughter
kaffe - coffee
katt - cat
sommar - summer
son - son
syster - sister
tomat - tomato
vinter - winter
English - Swedish
are - är
brown - bruna
daughter - dotter
coffee - kaffe
sister - syster
son - son
summer - sommar
tomato - tomat
winter - vinter
I could not find how to change to Swedish in blogger so I copied the letter a with the two dots above it from translategoogle.
Useful Websites
Handy tips which make travelling easy and fun from Angela.
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Why is North in the north on maps? Who decided? Is it always that way?
I researched left, right and centre, as the saying goes for the answer. North, South, East and West. I thought I read on Wikipedia or somewhere else about the man I had never heard of who established north on maps in Europe. My second search showed that Ptolemy has north on maps in ancient times, and European maps put north in all sorts of places until am copied the older system from elsewhere and much later his version was copied onto printed maps in Europe.
Then I discovered something fascinating. Ptolemy, a Greek astronomer living in Egypt, put north at the top because he started writing at the top. But also from the top left.
But why north? Because of the north star - but that was done by people living in the south, down under. Maps were printed with the west at the top by another culture which made their city the most important place in the universe - but why put north at the top and not in the centre.
The Chinese call their country centre, a square with a line through it. I learned that from looking at signposts in Hong Kong.
Sailors, North and South
Another theory goes that sailors were following the stars.
Or South was at the top of the page, because in Egypt the Nile flows north to the Mediterranean sea.
Mecca and Jerusalem
Then the Arabs lived north of Mecca which was in the south. (But graves of Muslims and Jews in Europe face East towards the holy lands and places, Jerusalem and Mecca.)
Vienna, Austria
We drove around Vienna in Austria arguing about whether to go left or right because my husband was driving, watching the signposts, but I was reading the nap which had south at the bottom of the page following ...
The north pole is at the north. But ...
"You could turn the piece of paper round," my husband suggested.
I retorted, "But then the writing is upside down. I could stand on my hands and read it that way. Or place a book on a lazy Susan."
It is a convention. Sometimes. But not always.
The English write North, South, East and West starting with capital letters.
Swedish North is north
The Swedish language does not use capital letters. You just have to go with the flow.
And don't get me started on the way the water runs down the plughole in the bath in Australia.
Or Christmas in June.
Useful Websites
The missing north has always puzzled us. Because the MRT maps don't always show North at the top. (Years ago a wonderful forgotten man came up with the idea of putting north at the tops of maps. This makes life so much simpler.) This has always puzzled us.
A station staff member on the opening day of the pre-run introduction day, November 11th, showed us the sign for North was outside the map, top right of the panel. The arrow was twisted like the hour pointer on a clock to indicate north. That has a certain logic. Not convention. But logic.
London UK underground's West on Circle Lines
(Another puzzle is the underground Central line maps in London, England. Most maps show west on the left and east on the right. But the central line has maps showing ... well, differently, depending which side of the carriage you are sitting.)
You are Here
Look at the bottom left corner of the map under Legend and you will see the symbol. It looks like a red teardrop with a white circle. it represents an eye.
Wednesday, November 16, 2022
Marketing Singlish in Singapore
The flag of Singapore, bordered, to show the white of the flag against the white of a computer's or mobile's screen.Angela Lansbury by the pool in a Singapore condo, November 2022. Photo by Angela Lansbury.
Today a Singaporean friend told me, "I won't be swimming at the weekend, when the pool is crowded. Instead I shall be marketing."
I replied, "You are working? At the weekend? Marketing what?"
She replied, "Not working. Shopping. At the market."
I relayed this story to my husband. I said, "Singaporeans have shortened the sentence, and changed the meaning of the English."
"No," replied my husband. "Marketing originally meant buying in the market. We in Britain have changed the English word to mean selling."
Angela Lansbury in cap in the colours of the Union Jack flag of UK.If you want to swim in Singapore, many hotels have pools. When my son and daughter-in-law came to Singapore, they spent a night at the Marina Bay Sands hotel which has an infinity pool on top of Singapore's landmark triple towers.
Singapore has new underground railway stations which I have written about in my other posts. You hear English and Chinese (Mandarin) as well as Malay and Tamil recorded announcements, in the four official languages of Singapore, on the stations and trains.
I have several posts on Singlish and American English and British English. Please share links to your favourite posts.
This post is
Useful Websites
Travel to Singapore
Singapore Tourism Board
Tuesday, November 15, 2022
What is the time in other countries?
Clock with Marilyn Monroe. Photo by Angela Lansbury.
Some hotels have clocks in reception showing the times around the world. In London we have a radio controlled clock which updates itself, and we use this to correct all the others. We need to change the cooker clock, the battery operated wall clocks, our watches, and the car clock.
When you are attending events online in another country you often need to know the time in your country on the day of the event.
In the UK we have the saying, spring forward and fall back.
I keep a chart in the front of my diary. I have it both ways. UK Singapore in one column, Singapore UK in another. Then when the clocks change, I need another colour pen to write the new times.
Note that different countries have different dates for the clock changes. Daylight saving times are on different dates. Australia has the opposite seasons, and different dates.
Useful Websites
Monday, November 14, 2022
The easiest language to learn - over is over!
Swedish is the easiest language to learn if you speak English. Even easier than Spanish and the made up totally regular language Esperanto.
Look at these words. The initials are often the same. Everything is so similar.
Writing down the words I have just learned in alphabetical order will help me to remember them.
Swedish - English
at (with a circle over the a) - at (pronounced ought - that is what the circle is for)
bakom - behind (like at the back of) (pronounced bokom
bredvid - beside or next to, (vid sounds like see in video)
(the) dog - hunden (the hound)
du - you
flyger - flying
framat (with a circle over the a) - forward
Hasten (with two dots over the a) - the horse (the horse hastens, or hastens you, that's horse power)
over (with two dots over the o) - over
renarna - reindeer / renen - the reindeer
sitter - sitting
star (with a circle over the a) - standing
This lesson is over. The Swedish for over is over.
Useful websites
Help with from Facebook on learning Swedish on Duolingo
I reached a certain level of my Duolingo Swedish course and the system asked me if I wanted to share an announcement on Facebook about my achievement. I did.
The Duloingo system put up a picture not saying the language but listing words I had learned.
This forced me to check whether I could still remember them. I could, six out of eight, and in context I can turn them into English. But the word endings were a puzzle. Was it book or books? To laugh, I laugh? I went into translate Google to check the Swedish English and turn the results back English to Swedish and again reversing. Here are the results.
Swedish - English
1 flicka - girl
2 morgon = morning, like the German, morgen
3 bocker looks like bok which is book - is bocker books?
Yes. Add two dots over the o and add two letters of the alphabet and you have the plural, books.
4 Kommer looks like come and sounds like come. It translates as comes.
5 fragar with a circle above the first a, ask?
fraga is ask. fragar (with a circle above the first a) is questions
6 skrattar - laughing
7 hastar with two dots over the first a is horses
Simple Wiki explains the pronunciation
There are three characters in the Swedish language that are not used in English. These are å, ä and ö. The letter å is a vowel sound between [a] and [o], similar to the English word awe. The letter ä is a vowel sound similar to [ɛ], like in the English word bed. The letter ö is a vowel sound between [o] and [ɛ], pronounced [øː] like the u in the English word burn. These characters are also used in the Finnish language, while Norwegian and Danish languages replace ä and ö with similar characters æ and ø.
Swedish also has some important differences in grammar. Definite articles are suffixed onto the end of their nouns, so ett hus (a house) becomes huset (the house). Also unlike English, Swedish uses two grammatical genders called Common and Neuter. Nouns of the Common gender are sometimes called "en words", and many words for living (or once-living) things are "en words". Nouns of the Neuter gender are sometimes called "ett words".
Swedish | English |
Ett/En | One |
Två | Two |
Tre | Three |
Fyra | Four |
Fem | Five |
Sex | Six |
Sju | Seven |
Åtta | Eight |
Nio | Nine |
Tio | Ten |
Ja | Yes |
Nej | No |
Jag | I |
Du | You |
Mig | Me |
Han | He |
Hon | She |
Vi | We |
De/dem | They/them |
Jag är | I am |
Sverige | Sweden |
Hus | House |
Hem | Home |
Väg | Way |
Björnar | Bears |
Hjälp | Help |
Basic Swedish Expressions
God dag/Hej | Good day/Hello |
Hur mår du? | How are you? |
Jag mår bra, tack | Very good, thank you |
Tack | Thank you |
Tack så mycket | Thank you very much |
God morgon | Good morning |
God eftermiddag | Good evening |
Hej då | Goodbye |
Useful websites
Swedish and other languages to learn
Swedish language in Wikipedia
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El Alamein museum and cemetery - more to this story - Churchill's quotation
El Alamein in Egypt
Curiosity Satisfied
El Alamein like so many battlefields is a mixture of facts, sadness and happiness. The facts are how the place operated before during and after battles. Facts - The big things such as the tanks. The small things such as the badges.
Emotional Experience
Sadness - people who died. Especially in tragic circumstances. Or if they were your family members.
Happiness, satisfaction, the safety precautions, the ingenuity, that a victory brought an end to the conflict, in that place, for the living, and the dead, on both sides.
Sometimes, reconciliation, between descendants on both sides, or veterans - especially between those who really did not want to be there! Some did not want to kill, some did not want to be killed, some did not understand what they were fighting for, some were homesick.
Sources Of Stories And Quotations
Wikipedia is a wonderful source, a wonderful resource. It started out using and combining the out of date Encyclopedias such as Brittanica, and the Catholic Encyclopaedia and Jewish Encyclopaedia, for all the historical stuff, and early science and culture, gradually adding updates from experts and individuals.
Photo sources
Plus the photos. Now Flickr is just one source of photos. More photos are added directly to Wikipedia by authorities and by members of the public.El Alamein's Pivotal Part in WW2My Interest
Wikipedia gave me a succinct guide to El Alamein, updated from when I last looked, with links to all sorts of outside sources. My late mother's first husband was killed at El Alamein which is what sparked my interest in a place I have not yet visited. However, I have visited many WWI and WW2 sites in Europe and the USA's civil war sites. Stalin said, one death is a tragedy, many is a statistic. Often one family member's involvement can inspire a lifelong fascination with everything to do with the whole of WWI, WW2 and wars any time and everywhere. As if somehow, some clue as to how those involved lived and died, how others traced ancestors, it all adds up. We cannot turn back the clock. But we can turn on the clock and create memorials and solve puzzles and mysteries. The past is a jigsaw. Sometimes one piece in the jigsaw is a date, death certificate, or photo, which sends you on a quest to find more pieces to create the full picture.The two exciting revelations on El Alamein - it was a turning point in the tide of WW2.Churchill said, 'Before El Alamein, we never had a victory. After El Alamein, we never had a loss.'Listen to the language. What makes it so memorable. Firstly the positive message. Secondly the actual language. Contrast, 'before, after'. Contrast, 'victory, loss'. Repetition, 'El Alamein, we never had'.
Mystery of the MRT map's missing information solved
Woodlands MRT station
I have out of date MRT paper maps in a desk drawer. I have an up to date one in my jacket pocket. it is quicker to look online. Triumph. I quickly find a map. Annoyance, just a map, none of the myriad of handy pieces of information on the paper map, everything from the Chinese version so I can translate station names and learn Chinese, to Apps for directions. Tut!
First Problem Solved
I looked at a map of the Thomson line on the web. It asked for feedback. I wrote;
You can't see the whole MRT map nor a link to it. It needs some signs about finding information from apps. Arrows to a few pictures of places to visit at each station. Foreigners won't know whether Orchard or Orchard Boulevard is the stop for shopping malls.
Where do you change to get to Changi airport? Which stop for the zoo/Safari park?
I tried the line on open day Friday and went to Gardens By the Bay, no sign to any nearby eating place, Satay probably miles way and possibly full, so went home to Bukit Panjang more than half an hour away for lunch. The station should be ringed by a hawker centres, toilets, souvenir shops, hats, wrap dresses or caftans, edible plants in pots. How about viewpoints with chairs, picnic spots, free maps of the area carrying sponsors advertisements with discount offers, a little train for children, a children's play area. Add a water fountain, with lights at night. Hotels and conference centres have international flags, and a coffee shop. Since it is Gardens, they should be serving fresh juices and healthy food, salads or sandwiches and main courses or soups with 2 vegetables. And fruit. Parks have signboards on animals, plants, insects. Give the history of the area WITH DATES.
The maps panels at the new MRT corridor to the up escalators inside downstairs Gardens By the Bay have no dates.
Provide an interactive map showing your regular journeys. Add click here for directions.
Also give the Chinese. I have learned Chinese symbols from the MRT map. (King, garden, four beauties, queen.) Link to the history of the MRT station meanings, often names linked to nearby place names or family names of pioneer and engineer or overseer names.
Ah - it's there - more information and links, but at the bottom of the screen - out of view. Therefore, have an arrow at the top saying links below at end, scroll down for links.
I had gone over the word limit and could not send it so I am writing it here.
I felt foolish that I had not realized that so much information was there, if only I had scrolled down. Then I felt annoyed. I am not the only person in the world to have a problem. If one person in ten makes the same mistake, many more customs are suffereing from the same loss of information.
I felt pleased. I had given them feedback - which they asked for. Saving them the cost of setting up feedback panels in person.
For the second problem, see next post.
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