London Bridge at Lake Havasu, USA. Photo from Wikipedia. Public domain.
I keep reading self-improvement speeches and articles and books about imagining things and then making them happen. But is it possible?
Yes. I remember the story of the man who imagined the city of Tel Aviv and drew a mark on the sandy beach. When asked by journalists where the city would be, he said, 'Here!'
Now I've read another similar story about a visionary. The man who bought London Bridge. Millionaire McCulloch with his business partner Wood.
The weirdest thing is not that McCulloch brought a bridge all the way over from London, England, to America, nor even that he looked out at the view and imagined a city which he started building. The weirdest thing was that he bought a bridge when he did not have a river to put the bridge across.
He had to get to see the President Lyndon Johnson of the USA and persuade the man to grant permission to divert a river. People were opposed to to idea of allowing a river to be diverted. I mean, you don't want to set a precedent, do you! Allow one person to divert a river, then everybody will want to do it.
You often hear the question, which came first, the thicken or the egg. you don't normally hear the question, which came first, the river or the bridge.
Let's get down to the nitty-gritty of what the tourist can see. The city of Lake Havusu, which was created in the middle of nowhere. (Doesn't that apply to everywhere in the USA? For example: New York, Washington DC, Las Vegas.)
Apparently it is a myth that the bridge was bought by mistake. They buyer knew which bridge he was buying.
If you want to see Tower Bridge in London, England, it is still there and you can take tours.
London Bridge in Lake Havasu city in the USA. The city has a museum. Several hotels including one, Heat Hotel, with views of the bridge.
What to see:
London Bridge in Lake Havasu, USA.
The statues of McCulloch and Wood together at the end of the bridge.
Tower bridge, London, England
Useful Websites
Angela Lansbury, travel writer and photographer, author and speaker.
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