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Monday, September 3, 2018

Shopping Online In Singapore And Asia and UK and USA

The USA is so big and so much of it is rural, so for years the Americans have enjoyed delivery to their homes, and even in the early days not just delivery of a shed but delivery of a DIY home!
Nowadays, in the USA life is easy. Amazon. com.

Problem Solved in the UK
In the UK I use eBay and Amazon. Sometimes the price of delivery from the USA is very expensive.
Flag of Singapore.

Problem - Singapore
Who delivers in Singapore? I could not get to deliver my self-published print on demand books to Singapore.

However, many Chinese suppliers offer delivery worldwide - and for free!

It's not that difficult. Big Brother is watching you (as George Orwell told us in his predictive novel 1984). As soon as you turn on your computer / laptop / phone in Asia, and do a search, the local companies appear, clamouring for your attention and your business, pushing out your usual top of the list suppliers.

They know where you are!

My family in Singapore order through Lavada.
IKEA delivers furniture. (We recently August 2018 ordered a full-length mirror for a rented condo.)

Long ago I ordered a Brother sewing machine which was delivered. I could have had a demo lesson in the store but paid extra to have somebody come to my home and demonstrate the machine.

He spoke English with a Japanese accent which I had trouble understanding. However, he threaded up the thread, and the bobbin, and left me with a square of cloth with all the kinds of stitches I could do, straight, zig-zag, and so on. (Have your cotton reels and bobbins and spare fabric ready.)

I read through the instruction guide but something was lost in translation. the book repeatedly told me it could guide me in butter sewing.I presumed this was an oriental euphemism for quick sewing, or computer programming of the machine stitches. At the end of the instruction book, I found a mention of better sewing. I realised that butter sewing was a misprint, or a correction by an automatic predictive text.

Nowadays you can probably watch demonstrations on YouTube of anything which you want to know about any kind of machine or product. Wikihow is a useful source.

Warnings About Online Drugs
Check with your doctor about prescription drugs. Check online before ordering for the safety of any unknown product. For example, some weight loss systems have been in the UK news as being ineffective or dangerous, even fatal.

You may find that a drug which is permitted in one country is forbidden in another. Also, you might need to keep a doctor's prescription if you are carrying pills for yourself or another family member from one country to another. Keep the packaging and the doctor's prescription. The doctor's prescription is also useful if you are re-ordering overseas.

When you run out, keep the empty packaging. I went into a pharmacy in Singapore and at the airport. The pharmacist wanted to know the brand of medicine (Thyroxine) I was using, because, she said, different brands have different strengths, so you need to know not just the number of grams and the generic name, but also the manufacturer of the drug.

Double check ingredients, especially items which should not be taken with other products or foods.
Some medicines cannot be combined with citrus fruit. So, if you or your granny start the day with half a grapefuit and a glass or orange juice, either you have to change your diet, or choose a different pill in case anybody forgets.

Check for ingredients if you have allergies, or are collecting for a family member, including children and the elderly who are forgetful. I have even made a mistake for myself.

Once or twice I and my doctor have forgotten to check. I opened a packet and read the instructions and ingredients. I discovered a product contains aspirin and a member of my family is allergic to aspirin.

On another occasion, the pills were giant size. The patient refused to take them because they were having difficulty swallowing, especially large pills which looked alarming and were hard to get down.

Ocado just sent me a code for 30% off online grocery shopping in the UK. The code runs out September 29th 2018. However, I expect they will send another later.

Useful Websites (alphabetically)


ASIA - Lavada

ASIA - MY US claims to reduced shipping costs

ASIA - Qoo10


Ocado online grocery



Angela Lansbury, travel writer and photographer, author and speaker. See my other posts covering online shopping. Please bookmark and share links to your favourite entertaining and most useful posts.

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