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Friday, March 31, 2017

I like Madeira's airport bust of Cristiano Ronaldo, and the CR7 museum website

A caricature of somebody looks weird. A bust doesn't look like them.

As the artist said, you can't please everybody. The bust pleases me. I love statues and busts of people. I was not interested in the footballer before but now I am.

I was interested to learn that Madeira's capital, Funchal, also has a museum about the footballer, local hero, partly because he is a rags to riches story.

The Museum is called CR7, the CR standing for Cristiano Ronaldo. Their website is in Portuguese and English. Just click on the letters EN at the top right to get the English.

However, it's pretty easy to read at least the headlines and captions in Portuguese, especially if you know French or Spanish or Latin or Italian. (I have fluent French and I have been learning Spanish and Italian on Duolingo - after a year of Italian and a year of Spanish I shall move on to Portuguese.)

Translating the words on the website at a glance
Cristiano - Christian
Ronaldo - Ronald
museu - museum
oro - gold
ballon - ball

CR7 Museum, Funchal, Madeira
The museum would be a good introduction to football even if you previously had no interest in it. The museum displays:
the gold boots; and
golden ball; interactive
exhibits allowing you to take a Selfie with still or moving objects and pictures of the world's favourite footballer.

Can I really make such a claim? Yes, go to the site and you will see his awards from football organisations.

Fast Facts
Madeira - Portuguese island

Footballer Cristiano Ronaldo
From Wikipedia

See Photo of Cristiano Ronaldo
English: Cristiano Ronaldo
Photo Date 28 November 2015, 11:31:26
Author Дмитрий Журавель

1 Photo opportunity - Madeira airport.
2 Museum, Funchal
3 Facebook page on the museum

Museum website
Reviews from TripAdvisor

I always found the Portuguese friendly. After investigation I discovered that the reason wasn't just personality of people living in relaxing warm environments. (The Italians are also warm and friendly.) Personality was augmented by happy history. The Portuguese have been friendly towards the British for centuries. The British were enthusiastic buyers of Port from Portugal, pink, sweet Mateus Rose in those attractive hourglass bottles which could quickly be converted into inexpensive bedside and lounge lamps the nineteen sixties. The friendship goes way back to the time when The Spanish rulers were waging war on Portugal and England so the Portuguese and British had a common cause.

Saved while researching - come back for more in five minutes.
Angela Lansbury, travel writer and photographer.

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