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Sunday, March 5, 2017

German language false friends and memory aids

I still get confused by the words Die Ärzte and think it means the arts when it means the doctors.

I already have my memory reminder: the doctors' arts.

German - English
die Ärzte - the doctors
Die Künste - the arts
(den) Mond. - (the) moon.
die Welt - the world

English - German
the arts - Die Künste
the doctors - Die Ärzte
...(the) moon. - ... (den) Mond. (here den for the is the object and end of a sentence - den like the English word them, rather than they, m at the end of the sentence)
the world - die Welt (Note that German uses capital letters for nouns)

Berlitz discs with an accompanying booklet cost about £20 on the internet for one or two discs, new or second hand on ebay. The Berlitz Earworms system has soothing music which is supposed to aid retention - at very least it means you enjoy the lessons and are more likely to continue listening.
They supply and speak about memory aids. The Greek word mnemonic is perhaps too hard for those who are listening.
If you are looking for something cheaper, or free, try Duolingo.
I began with the Earworms and later added duolingo to my daily language learning routine.

Angela Lansbury
Travel writer, photographer, author, language and public speaking teacher.
More about and by me on languages, spelling, grammar, travel and etiquette on Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter. Please like follow and share your favourite posts.

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