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Sunday, March 19, 2017

Finding Lost keys - and Not Losing Keys

How do you find your lost keys?

the best hotels have the key card either in a slot by the door or an old-fashioned key has a hook on the door or wall beside the lock so you can see or feel for the key as you leave.

Bells on shoes work for toddlers. You can attach bells to cows and children and the hotel bedroom doorknob and your wallet or bag or keys.

I bought bleeps which sound when you shout for your keys. It worked well. But I found the noise was a nuisance. My keys bleeped every time the phone rang all through lunch and my family were so irritated that they confiscated my new toy.

At conference centres where the doors slam locked behind you, I take a lanyard from a previous conference. The door key stays fixed to me. I can find it instantly when I am dashing back to the room for a pen or notebook or camera, and on the last day to pack up and leave.

My mother died after returning from holiday. She had lost her door keys the previous week. I was going though her possessions in her bedroom and checking inside every bag. I checked nine our of ten bags, all empty.

My father said, "Give it up. You won't find anything."

I checked the last bag. A straw summer bag. In the inside zipped pocket were the door keys. She had returned to the UK in March and no longer used the holiday bag. Remember to check suitcases and bags from your last holiday for lost items including keys and passports.

In hotels without a set place, I leave the bedroom key on the floor by the door so when you rush to get out in the dark you kick the keys and find them.

Angela Lansbury, travel writer and photographer, author and speaker.

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