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Saturday, July 1, 2017

Made To Measure Sleeping Bags: down, feathers or synthetic?

You are tall and need a longer bag. You are short and don't want the extra weight of a longer bag. You want to choose the colour of your bag. Feather and down or synthetic?

An American company called Enlightened Equipment will make a down bag to order. The name is an amusing pun on enlightened, meaning mentally informed, and made physically light.

I won't order down because I am allergic to feathers. I always like synthetic pillows and bedding. Even when a spare feather pillow is in a cupboard in a hotel I can still detect it and feel trouble breathing.

A relative who has hay fever happily ordered down. He says he believes the item will have tight threading to prevent feathers working through and firm seams.

I am not keep on lending my sleeping bag liner to people using feather sleeping bags. I think it will compromise my sleeping bag liner if I want it back.

Thoughts from my family member:
"When I am sleeping in a conventional bag which is zipped all the way up, I feel trapped. I am squirming around.

"Many sleeping bags can be unzipped to cover just your feet when you are too hot. Keeping your feet warm is essential.

"Because it's lightweight it's easy to carry, compact, and weighs nothing - light and cheap to post. (Assuming you don't want to pay extra for fast delivery.)

"It's still warm enough for  - because it's from America it's degrees in Fahrenheit like the UK, 22 below freezing. Toss it back if you are too hot.

"I read all the reviews on the website of the manufacturers. With these bags you can have support below but the sleeping bag unzips to lie on top secured with straps, but like a wide two part sleeping bag.

"It's still a gamble. I'll let you know what I think of it when I've received it and tried it."

Plan well ahead. My family has trips planned to Indonesia. You could be waiting a couple of months for the sleeping company to make up a made to order sleeping. Then you need to wait for it to be delivered from the USA to other parts of the USA or Asia or Europe.

If you have two homes or are away on trips, you need to have it sent home. If you have two homes or bases, ideally pick the place where somebody will receive it when you are away and where you will return in time to collect it ready for the next trip.
Their comprehensive website includes videos and feedback stories from customers.

Angela Lansbury, travel writer and photographer, author and speaker. I have other posts on sleeping bags and trekking and climbing. Please share links to posts.

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