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Friday, October 5, 2018

How to read Dates And Opening Times In Chinese

Singapore flag. Photo by Angela Lansbury.

I always thought Chinese signs were too difficult. No! Easy-peasy.


Then I discovered that the numbers one to three were just horizontal lines and the symbol for ten looks like a plus sign.


The sign for sun and day are the same, two oblongs on top of each other, like night and day.

The sign for moon and month are the same, add legs to the sun sign or day sign, and you have the sign for month.

I was reading the dates of the opening times of the building, a Community Club in Singapore. I spotted the dates in English and underneath were the Chinese words.

The days of the week are just numbers.
The working days are one to five. With no effort at all you know the signs for Monday, a line like a hyphen or underline. Tuesday is parallel horizontal lines. Wednesday is triple horizontal lines above each other.

The signs for day and month are pretty obvious.

Photos will be added later.

Angela Lansbury, travel writer and photographer, author and speaker. Teacher of English and other languages to individuals and businesses.

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