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Monday, February 11, 2019

First aid kit for travellers to pack

For daily trips: toothbrush and paste, comb, make-up, tissue paper or wet wipes.

Make a packing list including what you might need for a minor urgency or emergency.
1 Oops - how about spare underclothes. 

2 Or the opposite, panty liners, so you can wear clothes longer.
3 When travelling I like to have in my pocket or bag at least one plaster (Elastoplast is the UK brand name).

Other items which could be useful are:

For long trips or living overseas:
4 A proper first aid kit containing bandages.

5 burn relief
6 sting relief
7 insect repellent

8 Micropore waterproof tape to put over bandages and plasters.Essential if you have an accident on holiday but want to carry on swimming every day.

A friend of mine who is a doctor advised: when you cover your finger tip with a belt of elaastoplast, put a second one over the top to seal it and protect the open wound from dust.

First Aid For Clothes
First aid for clothes:
9 A small sewing kit - the kind you get from hotels, but with the addition of a needle threader.

10 A combined nail kit of tweezers, nail file and mini scissors.

11 Toe nail clippers.

11 For longer trips:a tiny screw driver for putting together spectacles which have a screw which unscrews so a lens falls out. (Maybe in a Swiss army knife.)

12 Dental repair kit. From any chemist (in the USA, called a Drugstore).

13 Deodorant or perfume - but not a floral one which attracts insects as well as the opposite sex. Insect repellent cosmetics include those containing lemon or lavender.

14 Local emergency numbers. For example, in Romania, ambulance is 112.
Useful Websites
From St John's Ambulance, Australia on snakebites

Angela Lansbury
Travel writer

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