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Monday, December 26, 2016

Day and night photos from a hotel window

We took day and night photos of Prague on our latest trip. The pictures were almost the same shot, but not quite. How do you get matching before and after or day and night shots of the same view.

1 Mark the spot

2 Bracketing
Take several shots of one view. For example, left side of the window, centre, right. In the evening repeat the positions.

3 Evening
Take a late afternoon shot. (You can increase exposure on editing.) Wait until twilight for a second view. Wait until it turns dark for a third view.

We took two photos from the window of our hotel in Prague.. You can take two photos, such as one with a well lit dome in the distance, another with the street below you well exposed, and merge them to get one picture showing both.

Photoshop editing program has a function called Photomerge (which is a registered brand name - I can't copy the little R symbol so I'm telling you).
You can combine up to ten shots of the same view.

Angela Lansbury, travel writer and photographer, speaker.
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