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Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Chocolate cake at Sheraton Towers Hotel Toastmasters International buffet

The first three Mondays of every month, excepting the occasional change for a national holiday such as Christmas or Chinese New Year, you can attend a Toastmasters International meeting on the galley level of the Sheraton Towers Hotel in Singapore.

For S$20 (twenty Singapore dollars) for visitors, you get the meeting plus a mini-buffet with rotating menus. On my last visit they offered rice, croissants stuffed with crabmeat, chocolate cake, and fruit. Coffee and cold or warm water with lemon are on the side.

You need to arrive by around six pm to allow time to register, claim a seat, get some food and eat it, say hello to the organizers, and be seated again in the large upstairs hall ready for the start of the speeches.

This is the largest Toastmasters International club in Singapore.

See the view of the waterfall from the gallery, and the orchids by the lift, and in the ladies toilets, in my previous posts.

The hotel is a few steps from the Newton MRT train station. Buses stop outside the station. the hotel reception call call you a taxi.

If you are in Singapore long enough to attend six months of meetings, it will be worthwhile to join the club for six months, or a year, which costs from between four hundred and five hundred dollars - including all that food as well as the meetings.

You will also be given a mentor at the club. If you are transferring to Singapore from another country and are already a member you do not have to pay the Toastmasters International one time joining fee. This is an extra amount, usually twenty to forty dollars.

Travel Tips
Singapore Airlines: 

Angela Lansbury, travel writer and photographer, author and speaker. Please share links to your favourite posts. For a chocolate factory visit see next post.

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