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Sunday, March 4, 2018

Learn Languages Free with Duolingo, Duolingo's Tinycards, Memrise or Earworms - what you get

Where can I learn Portuguese for Portugal and Madeira? Or for Brazil? And Spanish for Spain. Or Mexico?

Portuguese Accent For Portugal or Brazil?
I was struggling with the pronunciation of Portuguese in Duolingo, which sounded all wrong. Then I dsocvered I was learnign Brazilian Portuguese. After many holidays in Portugal, although I hadn't realised it, I had absorbed the way the language should sound, and recognize that Brazilian Portuguese is different.

What Do You Need
An interesting test would be to try both courses, the Poruguese for Portugal as well as the Portuguese for Brazil. I imagine that most people would need only one of the other for holidays or work. If you are living in England or Europe you are likely to holiday in Portugal or Madeira. If you are in the USA, you are more likely to holiday in Brazil, or do business with and receive correspondpence from Brazil.

If you are just learning to add another language, you might find it easy to learn both.

The Learning Systems
The sytems of learning are different. Tiny cards starts with sets of reversing cards.

I found Duolingo very easy. It taught whole, simple sentence straight away.  The sentences are not much use. How often do you want to say, I am a woman? You follow the whole system through. You can go back and redo, but you cannot jump forward.

Tiny Cards
Pop over to the tinycards, and you could learn a group of words connected with food, or colours or numbers. You can make your own cards, using Duolingo lessons, your own knowledge of a langauge if you are bilingual, or as revision if you want to remember something, such as the months in another language.

The Earworms system starts with sentences you would use sitting on a plane talking to a stranger, or speaking to the steward. I would like a coffee. Another one, please. My name is.

Memrise  has little videos of a person saying one word. You match the word to a choice of four. This is surprisingly difficult. Imagine somebody saying 'Yeah' in English and you have to match it up to yes or year or ear? It exlains why you have such trouble understanding epople in any language - including your own. So many people don't speak distinctly, drop the ends of words, run two words together.

Angela Lansbury, travel writer and phtographer, author and speaker, learner and teacher of English, French and other languages.

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