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Saturday, March 10, 2018

New wine, blue wine, from Spain

New wine, blue wine, brand name Gik is based on Chardonnay grape and sweet.

It comes in blue bottles.  That's not new. Blue bottles like many dark coloured bottles are designed to protect white wines. You can buy Blue Curacao and blue Nun, so the idea of blue and blueberries is not that alien to the drinker, if you think about it.

What of the taste? Mixed reviews on Amazon.

And the price? I drink sweet drinks, but I can get zinfandel and Lambrusco at under £10, nearer £5 or £6. Why would I pay £12 for a bottle?

Akita  Chardonnay, also listed as blue wine, is retailing at £7.42.

I do like a novelty. Maybe for my birthday.

If you need something blue for a wedding: something old; something new; something borrowed, something blue.

I first saw a video from Business Insider. 
video on blue wine

Angela Lansbury, travel writer and photographer, author and speaker. Please share links to your favourite posts.

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