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Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Boats and colourful buildings at Clarke Quay

The colourful little boats chug up and down carrying tourist about all day. Always something to watch and photo opportunities.

Seats belonging to cafes are along the edge of the water under shady trees.  Some people seem to sit on the edge with legs dangling over. I would not do that.

The modern shopping mall on one side of the water has a basement where I found a shop which sells see though cubes and oblongs with laser-produced 2D or 3D pictures of set schemes such as a birthday cake, or your own photo.

The cheapest is a 2D key ring. But they are 2D. Once you've seen 3D, you probably want 3D.

You pay for the cube itself plus for each photo. You can have one photo - the eyes follow the watcher as you move. Alternatively pay more for up to five creating an all around look, with a different view on each of the four side and from the top looking down.  You get an all inclusive price slightly reduced if you have five pictures. At these prices you need one of those traditional Chinese people who are good at bargaining.

 The old shophouses on the other side of the water are in lovely colours and contrasting.

On this side the jumping fountains keep the tiny tots jumping up and down and squealing with delight.

Clarke Quay MRT and a taxi rank are on the River Valley Road side. You are just inside the ERP - electronic road pricing.

Angela Lansbury, travel writer and photographer, author and speaker.

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