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Friday, April 1, 2016

French words which are useful at Toastmasters International French groups

A friend of mine is giving a speech at a French Toastmasters group in Singapore and sent me the programme. I've listed the words in alphabetical order so I can practise them when I go to French speaking meetings. You will find French speaking clubs in France, Belgium, Canada, England, Switzerland and Singapore. Have I left any out? Please send me your club details.

Francophone meets at Cairnhill Community Club in Singapore. They meet monthly.

accompli - accomplished or advanced
aller a l'essentiel (project 3) go/get to the point
L'Animatrice - the toastmaster
argent - silver
arrondissement - area
auditoire - audience
Asie - Asia
Avril - April
briser la glace - break the ice (project 1)
chronométeur - timekeeper
clôture - closure or closing
Communicateur - communicater
Compétant - competent
contenu - contents
corps - body
de - of
début - start / opening
devenir  - to become / create
discours prepare

en - in
est - is
et - and
être - to be
evaluateur - evaluator
Français - French
huissier - bailiff or sergeant at arms
la fin - the end
Improvisations - impromptu speeches / table topics
jardin - garden
jardinier - gardener

la - the
la langue - language
maintenant - now
manuels - manuals
membre - member
merci - thank you
meilleur - best
meilleur orateur - best speaker
mois - month
mot de la fin - last word - final speech/ closing speech/address
mot du jour - word of the day
notre - our
n'oubliez pas - don't forget
orateur - speaker
persuasif - persuasive
Présidente sortante - past president (ex or former president)
premier - first
la recherche - research
région - region
relations publique - public relations
remettre - give
remise - handing out, distribution, awarding of
Reunion - meeting (a reunion in English is usually an annual or anniversary meetings such as a gathering of holidaymakers or a graduation class from a school or college every year on the last day they previously met such as Jun 10
réservez - reserve

Secrétaire - secretary
Singapour - Singapore
supports visuels - visual aids
trésorier / trésorière (female) - treasurer
variete vocale - vocal variety
vendredi - Friday
volet - way, path or track
volonté - will
dos / votre - your

advanced - accompli
April - avril
area - arrondissement
audience - auditoire
best - meilleur
break the ice - briser la  g l a c e
closing - clôture
competent - compétent
contents - contenu

end - la fin
evaluator - evaluateur
evaluation - evaluation
Friday - vendredi
garden - jar-din (no hyphen but spell check wants one
gardener - jardinier

language - la langue
meeting - reunion
member - membre
month - mois
0f - de
persuasive - persuadir
president - Présidente
public relations - relations publiques
region - région
reserve - reserves
ribbons / awards / certificates - récompenses

secretary - secrétaire
sergeant at arms - huissier
silver - argent
Singapore - Singapour
speech - discours (like the British words discourse and discussion
thank you - merci
the - la (feminine) le (masculine)
timer - chronometeur (le)
Toastmaster of the evening - Animatrice
treasurer - trésorier / trésorière (female)
visual aids - supports visuels
vocal variety - variety vocals
will - volonté
Way or path or track - valet
word of the day - mot du jour
your - votre

Toastmasters Francophone de Singapour
Cairnhill Community Club
1 Anthony Road
229944 Singapour
Site web

Angela Lansbury, language teacher, tutor, author and speaker,

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