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Tuesday, February 28, 2017

The singing birds and the sunbird drinking nectar from aloe vera

Photo of aloe vera in cosmetics by Angela Lansbury. Copyright.
1 Aloe vera is in many cosmetics such as hand gels. What is aloe vera?

2 There's a bird singing in Singapore on our a l o e vera plant on a balcony in Singapore. What's that bird?
Drinking and singing. Bird on an aloe vera plant. Photo by Angela Lansbury

I remember planting the aloe vera. Photo by Angela Lansbury, 2017 copyright.

1 Aloe vera is a plant which is easily grown in a window box in a hot country such as Singapore.

2 When you hear singing from a bird, you know it is on or near the aloe vera plant. Set up a tripod. Next time you hear singing, take a photo of the bird on the aloe vera plant.

Photo courtesy of

Now you have a picture of your bird. But what kind of bird is it? Compare it with similar pictures on the internet. Find the nearest match and its name. Read details on Wikipedia. Look at the shape of the beak and the colours of the feathers.

The bird has a curved beak. It's an olive backed sunbird. Judging by the colours of the plumage it is a female.

Story - of the Aloe Vera Plant Gift
A friend appropriately called Flora gave a member of my family the 'baby' of an aloe vera plant. The free plant cost us a lot - a large terracotta planter, plus huge bags of suitable potting compost designed to drain easily. The tiny plant sat forgotten on a sunny balcony. Would it die unattended?

Imagine our surprise, when we returned from a long holiday, to find it had grown to triple the size. It had sent up a pencil like stalk with orange flowers resembling lupins, apparently watered by the rain.

Watching and Watering Plants
I might wonder if a fairy godmother had watered it, like the mice in the fairy story who helped the tailor. But it cannot be our delightful, darling landlady, who creeps in the back way, unobtrusively to retrieve or swap over children's toys from a cupboard. She is far too busy with her children to worry about a plant which is not hers.

(I must admit that when I was living in London, as a landlady, having given a potted orchid to a new tenant, I kept an eye on the orchid. Once or twice, when I visited and saw my, now their, orchid was wilting, I sprinkled a few drops of water at it. But the plant was sitting wilting on the indoor window sill behind the kitchen tap, reproaching me as I took a drink of water, inches from it, silently imploring me for help. The plant was not independently looking after itself in the intermittent rain, out on a distant balcony.)

So I must credit the rainy season for watering the plant. The pot is large enough to retain a supply of water over the dry days. The plant is a succulent, designed or evolved to survive dry seasons.

The Bird
I am not sure how the plant benefits from the bird visit. I presume pollination. The bird clearly benefits from the nectar. Why else would a bird hang upside down on a slender stalk?

Unlike humans, the bird isn't doing a stunt to impress its friends on Facebook. The photographer has silently sneaked up, to take a photo with a camera set up on a tripod, cropped the photo, then shared the image.

Sorry - I copied the photo but it is now under date. I'll be back later.

Photo of sunbird on balcony in Singapore, courtesy of Trevor Sharot photography.

Angela Lansbury, travel writer and photographer, author and speaker.

Monday, February 27, 2017

Woodlands, Palm Trees and Temples in Singapore

Woodlands is in the far north of Singapore, almost over into Malaysia, miles from the airport and the shopping centre of Orchard Road. Why would I go there? How would I get there? Is it a downmarket place?

An Indian couple people who ended up in Woodlands because his job took him there told me they prefer Woodlands to the District One city centre. Instead of sky scrapers, they family enjoy space and greenery, a secluded garden city, within the bigger garden city of the city state.

Years ago the American School moved from the centre of the city towards Woodlands, because the centre of the city was more of a security risk. At that time I thought that the more expensive and exclusive areas nearer the centre were better, and that people who claimed to like living out of town were either sports freaks or compensating for their lack of income and success and make the best of being on the outskirts of Singapore. Then I was more interested in shopping than cycling, bored by beaches and big open spaces.

However, the first time I took the train to Woodlands MRT station, I was uplifted by the avenues of palm trees leading to and from the station. It was a delight to walk between them, enjoying the sight of the sun sinking behind the trees.

I visited a complex of offices and found tucked away around the corner two adjacent temples.

Photos by Angela Lansbury. Copyright.
Two great temples, colourful, beautiful.

Angela Lansbury

Getting your Ten Vegetables and Fruits At Home and Overseas

Tea time fruit and yogurt. Photo by Angela Lansbury. Copyright.

How do you achieve five vegetables a day, seven or ten, at home or travelling?

At home this is easy:
Ten pieces of fruit and vegetables, not difficult if you are vegetarian and cutting out sugar. Even if you aren't:

Three pieces of fruit mixed into yogurt or muesli including apple and sultanas and one more fruit in season. If no fruit is in season, add tinned prunes. Plus freshly made orange juice, that's four for breakfast.

Some people prefer to make up a mixed fruit or mixed votable juice. You can make it up in bulk and eat or drink a little every day.

You could also have a banana milkshake for breakfast or your eleven o'clock break. Or mix yogurt and milk with mango to make a mango lassi.

Add an apple for elevenses, five. You are half way there, and two meals and a snack to go.

For lunch: two or three vegetables such as tomatoes and carrots and lettuce for lunch; that's three, plus apple tart or pear tart, or fruit fool or puree, that easily another four so you have reached nine.

If you had either an apple or fruit juice for tea that's ten.

However, if you have not had four of those items, have vegetable soup, meat or quiche or pizza and two vegetables with dinner, such as broccoli and peas. For dessert, follow by strawberries and cream.

Fruit and vegetables are not so expensive if you have a garden and grow apple trees. We should all go back to growing apples in gardens, allotments for those in flats, tomatoes in window boxes, mushrooms in dark cupboards.

I started serving fruit salad for dessert when my late father was suffering from late onset diabetes.

Later, another close family member had cancer treatment and we read health articles all day every day for weeks. We looked at the cancer websites, the World Health websites, the NHS guidelines. We went back to their sources: respectable sites with academic studies of large numbers of people, over years, and shorter studies, with control groups. I read about comparisons of migrating populations such as Japanese women going from Japan to the USA and getting different diseases showing that it was not inherited but to do with lifestyle or diet.

At first we were not keen on prunes but needed them for some reason. (Was it that chemo made you constipated?) Within a few weeks, we had found that they provided interesting contrast in colour and a touch of sweetness.

(We also cheated on the 'fresh' idea by adding ginger in syrup or maple syrup.

In Singapore we have not managed to find tinned prunes. We have added a carton of apple juice to dried prunes but it comes out at three times the price.

The simplest way to stick to your edit is to carry a Tupperware or similar box containing two pieces of fruit for a snack or to add to lunch. I find an apple and a banana are the most convenient. I sometimes cut the apple in half and remove the core and slice it into segments like an orange. Other good fruits for travelling are seedless grapes, and red and green grapes. You can have them all at once, or sneak the odd one or two into your mouth as a pick me up.

Speaking of citrus fruit, oranges are heavy and messy, but tangerines have easy peel skin, weigh less, and make less mess.

Hotel and Restaurant Breakfasts
Opt for half a grapefruit. Add prunes. Orange juice.

Hotel or Restaurant Lunch
Lunch time, again look for a fruit starter such as melon, melon and ham, avocado pear, tricolore (Italian for three colours) which is the three colours of the Italian flag, white cheese, red tomatoes, green avocado. Try meal and two vegetables, a vegetarian option. Two of you can share one meat and vegetable dish and one vegetarian dish. Pizza? Try a pizza with tomatoes and / or pineapple (often called Hawaiian).

Ask for a fruit dessert. If none, pop out to the local supermarket.

Cakes and biscuits
If you must have tarts and cakes, the French apple tart (tarte Tatin) with an apricot marmalade glaze; pancakes with jam and fresh fruit, apple tart, apple crumble, durian cake, "Jaffa" cake with orange spread. You can simply take any three fruits or vegetables and look at recipe websites for ideas from around the world. Other favourites are carrot cake and blueberry muffins.

Cakes, Biscuits and Tarts List
Apple Crumble
Apple and Blackberry crumble
Apple pie
blueberry muffin
Carrot Cake
Fruit fool
Fruit Pavlova
Mincemeat pies / tart
Plum pudding (Christmas pudding)
Stuffed Dates
Summer Pudding
Tarte Tatin

Fresh pineapple is cheap in the UK. In the UK in summer you can often find summer pudding in supermarkets or on restaurant menus. Summer pudding contains two or more red fruits, such as red currants.

Another British favourite is apple crumble, or apple and blackberry crumble. For a change, you might like apricot crumble.

Here's a list of fruit you might find in your nearest shop, either fresh or tinned, or frozen.

black currants
kiwi fruit
passion fruit
red currants
star fruit

Also add herbs such as mint.

Banana Milkshake, mint tea, black currant cordial, lemon tea, mixed juice (two to four fruits such as apple, orange, pineapple, star fruit watermelon) watermelon.

VEGETABLES / Herbs for flavouring
bean sprouts
green beans
Mange tout
mustard and cress
peppers (green, red, yellow)
pickled cucumber (gherkin)
snow peas
spring onions
string beans

Fancy fruits
You might also try fancy fruits, exotic fruits, when travelling. Mangoes. Durians. Guava. Passion fruit.

Use mint, individual small fruits such as sliced strawberries, mint, edible flowers such as rose petals.

Look at the reduced price sections of supermarkets in the UK and Singapore for bargains, sometimes all day, sometimes evenings.
Look for the cheapest fruits. For example, in Singapore bananas are very cheap.

The Chinese in Singapore eat green vegetables such as Pak Choy. Fruit and vegetables are likely to be cheaper and more unusual varieties will be available in Little India or the wet markets on the edge of the island near the HDB (state housing). Fair price supermarket is cheaper than HillV2 and Jasons.

Tinned prunes can be bought cheaply in supermarkets in London and carried to Singapore.
More information from:

Angela Lansbury, travel writer.

Learning to rent a car in Italian

I have been struggling to learn the word for renting a car.

Make up a sentence using the letters.

Italian - English
Dove posso noleggiare una macchina? - Where can I rent a car?

English - Italian
Where can I rent a car? - Dove posse noleggiare u n a m a c c h i n a ?

My memory aid:

I do N O t want to LEG g I t - I Am going to R E n t a car.
I have the knowledge to drive and I have the knowledge of where to rent so I am going to rent a car.

Annoyingly for me, the British English translation would not be rent (which is for property) but hire. However, I won't fuss about that. The important thing is that we have a memory aid for
N O L E G G I A R E - rent a car.

Angela Lansbury, teacher of English, languages, public speaking, in Singapore, England and by Skype.
See my other posts on languages, spelling and grammar on and YouTube. You will also find more profiles and posts on Twitter and Instagram. Please follow me and like and share my posts. You can see and buy books by me on Amazon and

Easy German words: chicken, cows, wasps and more

How to remember German words?

Find an English word which sounds similar and make up a sentence.

I find it useful to type up the words I have learned. It is easy to remember once, looking at the capital letter of the German when it matches the English. But when I start typing I forget where the dots go above the letters. I have learned that you press the key for the vowel and up comes a choice of accents. The ö and the ü are both with two dots above are both inserted by tapping the number two fast.

German - English
Delfin (ein Delfin) - dolphin (Spelling memory aid - Germans are straightforward and simplify spelling. Ph becomes F. An elderly dolphin - D E l f i n. I had to insert spaces because spell checker turned the word into the English elfin. Maybe I should remember an elfin dolphin!)
Huhn (Das Huhn) - the hen / chicken (How do I remember Das Huhn? Why did the chicken or hen DASh across the road?)
Hörner - horns
Kühe - cows (Spelling memory aid: change the German K into CK as in kick and C - cows give cool, healing milk, only three or four letters, a short word)
Säugetier - mammal. (Spelling memory aid - S U c k l i n g , a s u c k l E R, a Great pig has a TIER of nipples)
Schafer - sheep (Memory aid for the sound of the first syllable: What SHApe is your Sheepskin rug?)
Sticht - sting
Streifen - stripes
Tiger - tiger (Der Tiger - spelling memory aid
Wespe - wasp (If the Vespa hits you it will sting)

English - German
chicken/hen - das Huhn
cows - Kühe
dolphin - Delfin
horns - Hörner
mammal - Säugetier
sheep - Schafer (Memory aid sentence for the spelling of the German word - you Sheep had been SHApe up, and stop CHAFing yourselves on the barbed wire)
Streifen - stripes
sting - sticht (Memory aid for spelling letters STIng - STIcht - ouCH! aCHT!)
tiger - Tiger (Remember capitals for German Tigers which are big animals with a big initial letter. The word the before TigER is dER - DER TigER
wasp - Wespe (pronounced like the Italian scooter, Vespa)

Angela Lansbury, teacher of English, languages and public speaking.
Books on and

Durian Dreams In Singapore

Durian cake, under its protective dome for carrying it home, after I have cut and eaten the central slice.
Photo by Angela Lansbury. Copyright.

Durian fruit is strong smelling. But I love it.
1 Which kind of cake should I buy?
2 Which kind of durian should I buy?
3 How do I get it home, and store it, away from upsetting others?

1 You can ask the Durian Mpire assistant to show you which items are made from the 'better' durians which command a higher price. A guide on the wall explains.
Since I was more interested in price, I opted for the cheaper cake and was quite happy.

2 I once bought 'best quality' d u r i a n tarts from a pop-up seasonal stall in Singapore. I found the stronger tasting durian as annoying to me as to those people who don't like durians at all. I don't like spicy food, salty food, over-sugary drinks and I don't - based on just this one experience - automatically like durians presented to me as best quality. That's good. As far as fresh durians are concerned, I'm a 'cheap date'.

If the better quality ones have stronger flavour, then you might find that people who prefer stronger curries like the more expensive durians. That's just a theory. You could try it out for yourself with your own friends and family.
Make sure you ask which cakes have pieces of durian in the middle and which are sponge. I did not realise that any of the apparent cakes had 'solid' pieces of durians (actually probably soft like a ripe avocado pear). I wanted the sponge cake with durian aroma.

3 You cannot take durians on the MRT (trains), nor in taxis. Both trains and taxis have warning signs. However, you could a) Take your durian home on a motorbike
b) Take durian home in a private car if you have one or if a friend who has a car is visiting and asks what food you would like them to bring
c) Find a restaurant or hawker centre which serves durian and eat it there
d) Find a grocery shop which delivers
e) Pick the nearest supplier and walk home carrying it
f) Get a maid or other employee to deliver it to your home (or to your workplace for lunch)
g) Visit a friend and tell them you love durian so they get it delivered for you to eat at their place
h) Pack durian in s sealable container such as inside a Tupperware box, then in a cool box. Only if you cannot see it or smell it, you could then risk taking it in a taxi.

Check the prices of the cakes and ask why some cost more than others. To my surprise I had to pay extra for the sponge. I would have imagined that pure fruit would cost more and that adding flour and sugar or any other ingredient was a way to eke out the expensive fruit and charge less. However, it seems that the time and expertise and effort put into making a sponge cake adds to the cost.

Their business cards tell you:

Highland Centre (727 Cakerie Pte Ltd)
22 Yio Chu Kang Road Highland Centre
01-01 Singapore 545535 Tel: 6487 2777

Changi Airport Terminal 2
60 Airport Boulevard Departure Hall
02-012-01 Singapore 819663
Tel:6546 5177

Changi Airport Terminal 3
65 Airport Boulevard Departure hall
02-97 Singapore 819663
Tel:6214 3877

K a l l a n g Airport (727 Cakerie Pte Ltd)
Blk 51 Old Airport Road 01-159
Singapore 390051
Tel: 63440717

Bukit Panjang Plaza
1 Jelebu Road 01-17 Singapore 677743
Tel: 6707177

Jurong Point Shopping Centre
1 Jurong West Central 2 02-K9/K10
Singapore 648886
Tel:6862 3717

More photos shortly.
See my previous post for more information, stories and photos.
Angela Lansbury, travel writer and photographer, author and speaker.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Delicious Durian Cakes in Singapore - a tiny treat or a bigger birthday cake

Where can I get durian - not the huge strong-smelling fruit which you buy at the market and are forbidden to carry onto a taxi or on the MRT, but ready to eat ice cream or cake?

At Changi airport, Jurong Point shopping Centre, or the shop on the ground floor passage way of the Bukit Panjang Plaza.

I discovered durian years ago when I knew nothing of its reputation nor the fierce favouritism contacting with the fanatical hatred of this aromatic fruit. I was in a Thai restaurant wanting a dessert and the only non vanilla and exotic new flavoured dessert they could offer me was durian.

They hesitated to serve it to me, no doubt because previously customers had been outraged, disappointed, or refused to pay. I was sure I wanted to try it, just for the experience.

I loved it. The flavour was a cross between eggs, bananas and chestnuts. It reminded me of the Spanish dessert dish yemas de Cartagena (a Catalan sugared egg dessert dish, one of my favourites, which I ate at A parador (national landmark converted into a hotel to attract tourism). The yemas I tried was a dessert. I have found several recipes for yeas (egg yolks) cooked with sugar, from Avila, called y e m a s de Avila or y e m a s de Saint Teresa. I would describe the Spanish dessert as tasting rather like the French marron glacé).

Irresistible Free Taste
Last September I passed the durian stall in the Singapore mall on a day when they were offering a free taste. Maybe that was to celebrate their opening or the autumn moon festival. This year I went back and there were no free tastes, not for passers-by who were potential customers nor for keen customers. But the displays were attractive, especially the cakes - I have a birthday coming up and all year I look at cake designs.

It was my treat. I was lured to the mall by the promise of a durian cake. I wanted to look at and buy a little cake.
Durian Birthday Cake Designs
When we arrived I was even more excited by the display of colourful cakes for birthdays and celebrations. Some of them are covered in conical peaks or 3D designs, not suitable for adding words such as happy birthday and a name. However, when I asked, the stall assistant explained that if you give them a couple of days notice they make a cake to order and add the words you require, such as Happy Birthday, on a small slab of white chocolate. I asked if that cost extra and she said that the words were included in the price.

Carrying Cake
The cake was given to us in a small domed plastic container to protect it from damage in transit. We were travelling only a short distance (by bus) and on arriving at our destination placed it in the fridge.

Dividing Durian Cake
A few hours later out came my tea-time treat. The cake, although small, cost about £5 in English money, and was double my calorie allowance (maybe more than double). Although we had planned to share it between two, the aroma which I find so attractive did not have general appeal. Since I was the only person who wanted it, I received a slice from the centre of the circular cake and the remainder was pushed together to create an oval.

Let Us Eat Cake
To eke out my cake, I added yogurt and water, which turned it into a mush, rather like a milkshake or lassi. We then added fruit, strawberries, oranges. I was afraid that the contrasting flavours would detract from the durian, but durian is strangely flavoured.

You don't want to talk whilst eating such a delicacy. You don't want to be distracted by conversation and then find your plate or bowl is empty. Savour every sniff and sip.

They have only two outlets apart from the ones at airports, and one is at the smaller airport. So I was lucky to be her the place which served durian.

You will, however, be able to buy large durians, in season, from markets.
D u r i a n desserts with a spoon of durian on a larger portion of a filler such as ice cream, are at some fruit dessert bars in hawker centres, the food courts found in shopping malls. Many of them are in basements and top floors. I had some once at the upper level indoor food court above Farrer Park MRT station near Little India.

Durian Mpire, Changi Airport Terminal 2
Durian Mpire, Changi Airport Terminal 3
(details in next post)

Angela Lansbury, travel writer and photographer, author, speaker. More on languages, food and fun on I also have posts and profiles on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and other places including YouTube. My books are on and Please like, follow and share my posts.

Easy To Remember German Language Words

How do I remember German words?

Look for similarities in spelling.

I am learning German free from the internet using Duolingo both on a laptop and on a mobile phone. However, typing up the new words and how to remember them, on my blog, helps to reinforce the memory. Recognising the German is easier than translating back from English to German. I have to look at the word and talk to myself as if I were teaching somebody else. You might try doing the same, silently if you are on the train or in a public place, out loud if you are at home or in an empty office.

German - English
Affe - monkey (an affable ape monkeying around)
Elefant - elephant
Der Hamster - the hamster
Kamel - camel
Die Schildkröte - turtle (not just a small tortoise but a huge shield-cracking turtle; note the capital letter , the k instead of c, and the double dot on the o, like the eyes of the turtle)
Eine Giraffe - a giraffe
Tiger - tiger
Ein Wal - a whale
Wolf - wolf
Zebra - zebra

English - German
camel - Kamel
elephant - Elefant (the German spelling is almost the same, but the complicated ph is simplified to f, and the German word starts with a capital letter because it is a noun)
A giraffe - eine Giraffe (same word except that the Germans use capital letters for the initial letter of a noun)
monkey - A f f e
The hamster - der hamster
tiger - Tiger
The turtle - Die Schildkröte (note the extra c in the German Sh and the capital letter)
wolf - Wolf (the wolf - der Wolf)
A whale - Ein Wal (same word simplified, without the h which we don't pronounce and the e which we don't pronounce)
zebra - Zebra

Angela Lansbury, author and teacher of English, languages, public speaking.See my other posts on languages and travel. Please like, follow and share.

Friday, February 24, 2017

German Language Will and Want

Many words in German sound like English which is good. However, many of them mean something different, which is challenging. One term for these misleading words is false friends.

You have to keep a record of what confuses you and devise a way to remember. For example
German will - English want (not will).

Angela Lansbury
Author and teacher of English, languages, and public speaking.

Welsh words for white and red dragons, and David's small saucepans

What do the Welsh words mean? You see them when you drive into Wales. You find them in Welsh names if you are compiling a directory of places in Great Britain.

You can quickly find a translation through Google translate or whatever comes up first on the internet. You can also her the pronunciation

What did we do before the days of the internet? When I was researching the first edition of See Britain at Work for Exley Publications, I found mysterious Welsh names. Several of them were a mystery until I found one company which had the address in both Welsh and English. I was then able to translate the other names of potteries, cafés and houses. I recall Y Sospan Fach. The little saucepan.

My interest in Welsh was revived when I took a holiday to Writer's Holiday in Wales. They run courses in spring, summer and winter.

Another reminder of Welsh was from a writer on who sent me this information:
Y Ddraig Wen (The White Dragon)
Y Ddraig Goch (The Red Dragon)

Wine is gwin (‘gween’)
Vine is winwydden (‘winwerthen’) ( I think or vine growing from the earth in the garden of Eden.)
Vineyard is winllan (‘winchlan’) The Welsh ch is pronounced as in the Scottish word loch as if you are trying to clear your throat. (Think of the place name Llandudno.)

Here's a translation of the lyrics of the song about the little saucepan. the first word I noticed was the name D a f y d d which is David in English. What does that suggest about an easy way to remember pronunciation?

Welsh - English
ddraig - dragon
f a c h - small
g o g h red (spelling like Van Gogh - think of the artist with the red face in a red van)
g w i n - wine
s o s p a n / s o s b a n - saucepan (I had to insert spaces because spell checker thinks a more common word is soybean! You might like to remember the soy beans in the saucepan, or that the letter p is an upside down b and b is an upside down p.) The sounds in English and Welsh are almost the same.
w e n - white
w i n l l a n - vineyard
y - the

English - Welsh
dragon - d d r a i g
little - f a c h
red - G o c h
saucepan - s o s p a n (Again I have had to insert spaces. Spell checker wanted to change the word into two words, so and span.)
small - f a c h
white - wen (I think: When will my clothes be white?)
vine - w i n w y d d e n
vineyard - w i n l l a n (I think of wine land or as the Americans might say, a wine yard. Americans call their garden a yard, which is ironic, because both gardens and houses in the USA are much bigger than in the UK nowadays.)
wine - g w i n (I had to insert spaces. Automatic spell checker inserted gain. My memory aid is: Go and get WINe.)
the - y (Looks like ee to rhyme with the but it's pronounced er.)

See my other posts on Welsh, and other languages such as German, Italian, Spanish, Romanian and Russian. See my travel posts on London and England, the USA, the city state of Singapore, and Italy, especially Umbria.

Angela Lansbury, Travel writer and photographer, teacher of English, languages, and public speaking.
Please see my other posts on the blog and other blogs in, or like my posts, follow me and share profiles and posts from here and on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram. My books are on Amazon and You can read excerpts and buy on line or buy a copy from me if we meet in which case I will sign it for you and if you like make up a personalised rhyming couplet for you or the person for whom you are buying the book.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Green Biscuits iIn Singapore - Green Tea and Biscuits

The Kit Kats are green. What are they?

The flavour is green tea. Imagine yogurt or milk chocolate with green colour added and a very mild flavour. Quite pleasant actually.

I think I had seen them before and rejected them on the grounds that I don't like green tea. This time I ate them by accident, thinking they were just normal flavour miniature Kit-Kats. You can buy a big packet of several bite size pieces which means they are popular at meetings or clubs.

If you see them, try them. They would also make an amusing souvenir to bring home as gifts or to offer guests in the UK or Europe or USA - and of course in Asia.

I went onto their website in Singapore, trying to check whether the word Kit Kat is hyphenated and found that Kit Kats were created way back in 1936. Whatever I type, spell checker changes it anyway.

Angela Lansbury, travel writer and photographer, author and speaker.

Instant Indonesian and Malay - numbers one to five

How do you remember the numbers in Malay and Indonesian languages?

Look for similarities to the English words.


1 One - Satu (S for Single on a Saturday night and Satu)
2 Dua - Two (DU for dual and duo and dua)
3 Tiga - Three (T for Three and Tiga)
4 Empat - empathy EMPAT a foursome with empathy, like the US TV series Friends
5 Lima - five l-I-m-a - second letter is I and first letter is an upright

Now look at the words again
Malay /Indonesian - English
e m p a t

Read the reminders again

1 One - Satu (S for Single on a Saturday night and Satu)
2 Dua - Two (DU for dual and duo and dua)
3 Tiga - Three (T for Three and Tiga)
4 Empat - empathy EMPAT a foursome with empathy, like the US TV series Friends
5 Lima - five l-I-m-a - second letter is I and first letter is an upright

If you are in either Indonesia or Malaysia whenever you see or hear the numbers one to five you should be able to remember or work out what they mean.

0 - nol (Indonesian)
The Indonesian word for zero is easier to remember than Malay. The Indonesia number for one is NOL, looks like nul - nul and void, or nil (for example scoring in a tennis match 'another number-nil'). N O L starts with the letters NO - no number, nobody on the grassy knoll.

0 -

Angela Lansbury, travel writer and photographer, teacher of English and other languages, author and speaker.
Please like my posts, share and bookmark them.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

How many US States have you and I visited?

First how many states are there? Where can I get a list?

First stop Wikipedia.
Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming

Greyhound Bus
I first went to the USA as a student in 1967 and did a round trip on a Greyhound bus, 99 US dollars for 99 days. I made an anti clockwise trip from New York via Canada with a companion who went off to South America, then west to San Francisco.

Weekends Away By Car
I lived in the USA in the 1980s (1984-7) and had no family there apart from my husband and son so every weekend we packed an overnight bag (left permanently packed - just adding food and drink) drove down the motorway (called a highway in the USA) went travelling to see as much as possible. When my husband was on a business trip or conference, we could drive there and extend to a long weekend.

Bumped At Christmas
One Christmas we were 'bumped' off an aircraft on the trip home to the UK - would you believe this happened a couple of times and received as compensation free return round tickets back to the USA. We had learned what happened. So we went to the desk and said: "Is your flight over-booked? If you are looking for somebody willing to be bumped, we are willing."

We took with us books to read, knowing that we should arrive early and might be hanging around 24 hours at an airport or airport hotel. The other trick is to be sure you don't have any vital meetings at the destination.

I was on a press trip to Arizona, another to California, another to Florida, a third to Pennsylvania.

When I first visited the USA I thought all the USA was the same. A pilot told me that every state was different.

Weather wise this is true. It's not hard to see that hot Florida with alligators is different to ski slopes of Colorado and Utah. The Wild West with Indian reservations is different again.

The buildings are different. New York with its skyscrapers and design clothes is not the same as Texas with its horses and cowboy hats.

Drive down the East coast from Noo York, and the accents change south of Washington DC. When you reach the South, people start saying y'all, with a southern drawl.

Attitudes are also different. City people are suspicious of strangers, different from open and friendly country folk. I met a New York body at college in London. He was always trying to be one up on me. (It's a bit like what is called kiasu in Singapore.)

I was walking in Florida with a supercilious, sarcastic, non-comital girl from New York on my left. I told her I was a travel writer from London and my name was Angela Lansbury. She troubled herself to bother to answer, "Really?"

By contrast, the girl on my right, from a country state, was keen to talk. When I told her who I was, she gasped, enthusiastically, honestly, and naively to me, "Boy - am I glad I met you!"

You can't classify 300 million people so simply. Not all New Yorkers are like that, nor are all people from other states like the ones I have described. But that is the point. It just shows that two people from different parts of the USA can be totally different.

Here's a simple list which you can copy:

New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia

Now I shall put bold around those states I have visited, count the numbers in bold, then add the main cities or landmarks I saw:

New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia

Wikipedia's main listing starts with lines of columns on a spread sheet with details of subjects such as population or capitals. If what you want is a simple list, go to the bottom of the 'page' or screen.
You then have to separate each word out into columns.

Angela Lansbury, author and travel writer.

How Many Countries have you and I visited?

Yesterday I was asked how many countries I had visited. When you have visited fewer than ten, it's easy to remember and to count. But what if you have visited more countries?

I was about to type the list from memory, gradually adding, when I decided it would be quicker to list all the countries and tick them off. Easier still, copy a list and print in bold those visited, then add up the number in bold.

Alphabetical list of all countries in the world
Antigua and Barbuda

Bosnia and Herzegovina
Burkina Faso
Cabo Verde
Central African Republic (CAR)
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Republic of the Congo
Costa Rica
Cote d'Ivoire
Czech Republic
Dominican Republic
El Salvador
Equatorial Guinea



Marshall Islands
Myanmar (Burma)
New Zealand

North Korea
Papua New Guinea
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Saint Lucia
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
San Marino
Sao Tome and Principe
Saudi Arabia
Sierra Leone
Solomon Islands
South Africa
South Korea
South Sudan
Sri Lanka
Trinidad and Tobago
United Arab Emirates (UAE)
United Kingdom (UK)
United States of America (USA)
Vatican City (Holy See)

In addition to my initial list I have been to places I could not immediately place which I later added to my first list and / or leave here as additions:
Channel Islands (Jersey, Guernsey and Sark, part of the British Isles).
Dubai - I just checked and found Dubai is in the United Arab Emirates so I went back and highlighted that.
Dubrovnik was in Yogoslavia.
Hong Kong - which I visited when it was under UK rule and later when it was under the rule of China.
Isle of Man (politically independent, independently governed, off Great Britain).
Macau - was Portuguese, now part of China.
Madeira - part of Portugal
Minorca and Mayorca - both part of Spain
St Martin (French speaking) and Sint Marten (Dutch speaking) in the Caribbean;

My latest count is 44 countries. If I want to add islands which are miles from the place of origin or changed hands or seem like a different destination, I would add
Corsica, Sardinia, (British) Channel Islands, Corsica, Hong Kong, Isle of Man, Macau, Madeira, Mayorca, Minorca, Saint Martin, Sint Maarten, Sardinia, Tenerife. That would bring me up to 50.

In addition I shall count the states I have visited in the USA. (See next post.)

Here's just one of many sites listing countries of the world.
The quickest way to find a list of anything, out of copyright, is to go to Wikipedia. For your own use, you might just take the first one which comes up in Google searches. I found:

This is also very useful if you are planning a holiday and want to go to a new country every year, or to plan a surprise break for a birthday or anniversary.

Angela Lansbury, travel writer and photographer, author and speaker

Four Beauties - Update On Drawing People

On your travels you collect souvenirs which sometimes get lost. I am very sorry I can't find photos of the four paintings I have lost. They disappeared when we moved flats. All our stuff went into storage. The more expensive removal people will catalogue everything. The cheaper and quicker option is to take a few lads who just pile stuff into boxes. You risk losing items.

I have lost the four paintings, long vertical scrolls, I had of the four beauties, classic Chinese figures. Now I wish to recreate them. Wikipedia gives lots of detail. I need to select what is vital to my painting. I shall put the answers in bold.

I console myself with these thoughts:
1 At least one of the four paintings was not a pretty woman but ugly or glum. I would rather have pretty and happy. Many classic pictures and sculptures of ladies naked and clothed and couples also have faces in repose which do not excite me. I am firmly in the 21st century where the fashion is to grin at the camera. To me a 'thoughtful' person just looks depressed and depressing. Rodin's thinker is a great pose for a body. But I look at the face and I think, he needs therapy.

The same goes for those exquisite Balinese carvings. And most temple figures.

Maybe the introverted artist is a depressive type. If either the artist or model had any get up and go they would not be sitting for hours in a studio alone but out partying with people.

More likely the reason is that the models posing have to look vacant. It's tiring to keep up a smile for several hours. Sitting in one place sends you half asleep.

It is easier to draw somebody who is sleeping (or dead!) than somebody who is smiling and laughing and jumping about playfully.

I have drawn caricatures for fun at parties in Singapore. At one party, I was not paid money but paid in kind. I admired the blue necklace worn by a girl. She said it was from a shop in a nearby street and cost very little and I could easily get one the next day. Unfortunately I was flying off at dawn (we had postponed our flight to make the party). I offered to buy it from her, the cost price - or slightly more. She refused.

I drew a caricature of her friend, kept the original and give her copies for her phone and Facebook. Then the girl with the blue medallion asked if I would draw her. Yes, I would never miss an opportunity to practise drawing and capture somebody. Also it would be good to have a record of the medallion.

I drew her and gave her an email of the picture - which was in my opinion neither particularly good not particularly flattering. She asked if she could have the picture. I said no. The same thought struck us both. I looked at her medallion. I conceded, self-deprecatingly, which I should not have done, "I expect other artists have done better pictures of you.

She replied, "I've never had a caricature of myself - or any kind of drawing of myself. I don't even like having my photo taken."

Then she said, "If I give you the pendant, can I have the drawing."

I said, "Done!"

If you are drawing people at a party, make sure their friend are not allowed to stand nearby (behind the artist or the model - or coming and going) pulling faces, making jokes, making the model move and react.


Names and place
Who were the beauties? Were they real people or legends?

Time Zones
From which centuries?

Whether real or legendary, if we can establish the era the stories describe, or the later century the stories were created, we can follow the classic pictures and re-create them, or create a modern version.

So wearing what era and style of clothes?

Which symbols are in the pictures?

Do they need to be Chinese or can I draw them as multi-national?

Clothing or Naked?
I prefer clothes. That gives opportunity for colour, glamour, individuality. More suitable for a family audience.

However, if I am not sure of the time era or style of clothing, must the ladies be clothed or could they be naked and concealed with hair whilst bathing, like the Venus de Milo emerging from the shell and sea?

Sea? Are they by rivers or lakes or seas? (So could they have waves like the Japanese classics?

(I'm off for coffee. More later.


Tuesday, February 21, 2017

The Four Beauties

I have lost the four paintings, long vertical scrolls, I had of the four beauties. Now I wish to recreate them. Who were the beauties? Were they real people or legends? From which centuries - so wearing what era and style of clothes? Which symbols are in the pictures? Do they need to be Chinese or can I draw them as multi-national? If I am not sure of the time era or style of clothing, must they be clothes or could they be naked and concealed with hair whilst bathing, like theVenus de Milo emerging from the shell and sea? Are they by rivers or lakes or seas? (So could they have waves like the Japanese classics?

Wikipedia gave me the story of the four beauties. Each is depicted with a flower or fish or something else.

My first idea was that I would have four women of different races, Chinese, African American, blonde caucasian, and a fourth. But when I looked up the story I found they were all Chinese. So that leaves the opportunity to create four types. These might include the round Shanghai face. Better still, find classic paintings from the era. Plus suitable clothes.

I was thinking of creating for working men who built civilisation. Perhaps: a tailor, a chef, a builder, a scholar. To be politically correct I would need four women in classic civilisation building occupations, especially those attracting beauties, maybe based on famous people? Who should I choose? Classic heroines? Florence Nightingale? I recall the debate about who should be on the British banknotes.

Perhaps I need to compile a list for every race and religion (except Muslims who do not want to be depicted).

Suddenly four seems a small number.

Should they be people who were princesses and courtesans?
Must they be good people?
What about Lucrezia Borgia?

Do ideas on beauty change? Elizabeth Taylor is said to be very beautiful.
Anne Frank?
Zsa Zsa Gabor?

Kings and Queens
Frankly, I can't understand what King Henry VIII saw in Anne Boleyn.

Females - ancient
Was Helen of Troy a real person?

Princess Grace of Monaco (Grace Kelly film star).
Princess Diana.
Marilyn Monroe - top of my list of attractive faces, but not a doer, nor a thinker.

Rudolf Valentino.

One was so beautiful that - fish
another that - flowers.


Four handsome men existed two.

Angela Lansbury, travel writer, photographer and illustrator.

Instant Malay - more than 30 words

How to remember Malay?

Start with the easy words.

I woke in the middle of the night and couldn't get back to sleep. So I spent an hour reading a little tex book on the Malay language. I was far too tired to remember anything except the words which sounded nearly the same as English. Next day over breakfast, I asked a companion for the words which they recognised and remembered as being nearly the same.

Malay - English
a l e r g i - allergy
a m b u l a n s - ambulance
a p r i l - April
aspirin - aspirin
a s m a - asthma
a p o t e k - (apothecary was the old word) pharmacy / chemist (Americans would say drug store)
c e k - check (as in travellers checks)
d o k t e r - doctor
diabetes - diabetes
donor - donor (as in blood donor)
guru - teacher

English - Malay
allergy - a l e r g i
ambulance - a m b u l a n s
April - a p r i l
aspirin - aspirin
asthma - a s m a
cheque (Americans spell it check which is a verb in British English) - c e k
chemist / drug store / pharmacy - a p o t e k
diabetes - diabetes
doctor - d o k t e r
donor - donor
teacher - guru

Angela Lansbury, travel writer and photographer, author, speaker and teacher of English and languages.

Instant Malay Language learning With Anagrams - first three words

How do you learn Malay? It's not as difficult as Chinese, which has different tones, but some words are complicated and the grammar structure and word order are different.

Start by encouraging yourself by learning words which are the same, I'll call them the INSTANT recognition words.

Others can be remembered by creating ANAGRAMS, which are rearrangements of some of the letters to crete part of the word or a word of similar meaning.

b a s - bus
k a r i - curry
t e k s i - taxi/ drivers

bus - b a s
curry - k a r i
taxi /drivers - t e k s i

Copyright Angela Lansbury.

Angela Lansbury, teacher of English and languages, UK, Singapore and Skype.
My books are on Amazon and
More posts on language on this posts and other blogs on I am also on Facebook, LInkedIn, Twitter and Instagram. Please follow, like and share.

Monday, February 20, 2017

The cost of buying a condo (flat in block with pool) in Singapore

I've been to several talks on making money and saving money. The general consensus of opinion (general or majority view) is that you should spread your money over different types of saving and investment, not only money in banks, building societies or shares, but also property. Like people who invest in both ice cream and umbrellas, whatever the weather, your gains offset your losses.

The money you spend on rent could be used to pay off a mortgage.

Problem 1
What if you want to live in the centre but can only afford to buy in the distant suburbs? I have friends who bought a property in a cheaper area out of town. The rental income pays their own rent to live in the city centre.

Problem 2
Whenever I tell somebody that I or my friends are renting in Singapore I get asked, "Why don't you buy?'

Many people who come to Singapore don't expect to stay more than two years. No guarantee of longer employment. The company might move them on. The company will pay rental. I'm not sure you can use the money for a mortgage instead.

Profiting From Inflation
Normally a property owners gains from inflation, having money in property which increases in value, whilst money in the bank would be worth less.

Negative Equity
Another worry might be negative equity. That means that you buy at the top of the book and then prices tumble.

However the reverse happens in negative equity. Your property is worth less. You sell at a loss. If you can't repay the mortgage, when the loans company repossess, the property is sold at lower than it cost to buy, so you owe the loans company more.

Before making a decision, check out the figures.

Take into account, cost of buying ready-built new, second -hand, from a plan, government property. Note your income, ability to pay down payment, costs of any stamp duty or government tax, and legal fees for the transfer and searches and property agent fees. You also need to consider:
whether you can get insurance to cover loss of income yet without losing the property, and the cost of this insurance;
and the maintenance costs of the building admin
plus what you need to pay to redecorate, furnish, and repair the property.
Do you need to pay an agent to rent out and look after the property if you are overseas.

HDB are government dwellings, subsidised for those on lower income. You can use your government scheme mention savings (CPF) to buy property if allowed. However, I was told I would not be eligible if I had property overseas.

Website Tip

Angela Lansbury, travel writer and photographer, has lived in the UK, Spain, USA and Singapore.
I have another profiles and posts on and Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram. Look at my books on and
Please like, follow and share my posts.

Remembering Indonesian greetings for times of the day

They all look similar. Nothing like English words.
How do you remember it's s e l a m a t and not s a l a a m which is the Arabic for peace / greeting.

Here they are in order
Selamat page - good morning
Selamat s i a n g between 11 and 3 pm (like a long French lunch hour)
Selamat sore - good afternoon - until sunset
Selamat madam - good evening /night?

I have made up my own memory aids.
Selamat s a l a a m AT Malaysia and Indonesia.

PAgi - start of the dAy. P A y if you go to work.

SIANG - swings from morning to afternoon.

SoRE - sore we close at sunset.

M A L A M - until midnight.

After finishing the greetings taster "first lesson free', I was invited to sign up at this cost:
One month for US$12.95, charges every month.
Their best seller, they say, is the 3 months commitment, US$8.95 charges US$26.85 charged every 3 months; 6 months for $US 7.45, charges US$44.70 every 6 months; and the 'best price' US$6.95 a month, charged at US$83.40 renewing every 12 months.
If you need this for work, can get an employer to pay, are self-employed and can offset this against tax, are staying at home by choice, or stuck at home and want amusement, are thinking of moving overseas, have a boy/girl relationship and need a language, then it may be worth your while.
If you are short of cash, or can't commit, try DuoLingo.
You might even try both.

Angela Lansbury, teacher of English and languages. Author. Speaker.
Please like and share my posts.
Also on Facebook, TinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram.Books on Amazon and Lulu.

Learning Indonesian With Babbel - compared to Duolingo

Today I received an email from Babbel asking me if it's possible to learn a language in three weeks - with the results of their survey if I clicked on the link giving the answer. I hesitated. I was supposed to be clearing my inbox of unwanted circular letters and starting my appointments for the day and emails to people I needed to see or contact. What did I do?

I clicked on the answer. What was it?

As far as I can see you can learn Spanish with their system on fifteen hours, studying one hour a week - or fifteen hours over two days if you devoted your whole weekend. I am learning through Duolingo, five minutes a day.

I clicked on Babbel, assuming that I would have to pay to start the course, or would get only a five minutes lesson before being asked to pay. Never mind. Try the first short lesson.

At the bottom of the page I saw the words: Supported by the European Development Council. That bodes well. I now suspect that at least some of the course will be free if it has a subsidy. Is the subsidy to develop the program, or to offer it free? I shall find out.

I was not asked for an email, only to download a flash drive and say if I wanted it once or every time. I clicked on every time because constantly having to decide is a nuisance.

First, which language? They offered:
French - I already speak French fluently as my second language.
German and Italian - I am already learning those on Duolingo.
Spanish - yes, I want to learn that - but it's too similar to Spanish and will confuse me.
Indonesian - I am less likely to visit - but when in Singapore lots of signs are in Malay, which is the same, so easy to reinforce the language and a constant question in my mind as to what does that Malay word mean.

Whilst I am trying to decide I find I have automatically clicked on Indonesian!

Up comes the Babbel first lesson. The interesting thing was the comparison between Babbel and Duo lingo (no space but I had to insert the space to prevent out correct spelling from changing what I typed without asking). Babbel asked me for the translation of English greeting such as Hello and good morning. I was offered two choices of sets of words. Only two choices to look at. Mostly you can tell by the length of the phrases translated.

Duo lingo offers you three choices, with pictures, so the first pictures are items such as boy and girl.

After the first six words I am asked for my name and email and a password to continue. They say it's free. I find I have already registered.
Then I am told I get (only) one week free.
Does this mean that I have to race through to finish the course in one week?
Does it mean that if I spend more hours I can complete more in the week, or is there a limit so that even if I worked all day on day one (7 hours) I would achieve no more that if I spread my time, over the week, one hour a day for seven days?

Author, Angela Lansbury, teacher of English and other languages. Author and speaker.

German Language Learning Memory Aids

How do I remember a new German word?

I look for a memory aid. My system is to look for reminders within the word I am learning, letters which match the English.

Today I am doing my daily German exercise on Duolingo. I have the German words
passende Lösung.
The English is fitting solution.
I have already remembered it to copy it onto here.
This is my memory aid

passende - has a double letter. The matching letters are SS and TT, S and T follow each other in the alphabet. I had not even noticed that when I learned it. I simply looked for a double letter. passende and fitting.

L ö s u n g - solution. I see several matching letters. L O S U N g . The first three letters of the German word L ö s u n g reversed are the first three letters of the English word s o l u t i o n. The U in the middle is the same in both words. Then the sound N.

Now that you've seen how I do it, you can do the same with words you want to remember. I don't guarantee it works every time. Nor do I guarantee that you will remember the memory aid in six months time.

However, it helps to get you to answer the first time which give you a feeling of success.
You remember it long enough to repeat it three times. By typing out your memory aid, as I have done, you fix the word in your memory. I and you have now looked at L O S U N G and SOLUTION several times.

Maybe you won't remember this word. Maybe you will remember only 90 per cent of the words. Maybe you will remember only ten per cent of the words. However, that's ten per cent more than you otherwise knew.

I hope you have found this a fitting solution to the problem of learning foreign words in German and other languages.

passende Lösung.


Angela Lansbury, travel writer and photographer, author, English teacher and speaker.
Please read my other posts on language and travel on this blog, look at my other blogs, then check me out on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube. Please like, follow and share my posts.
My books are on and
You can read excerpts and buy them new or second hand or make a note to ask me to bring one to show you or sell to you or others at a meeting.

Oops - was that cockroaches, geckos, rodents or what? Identifying insects, animals and more

1 You arrive in a new house or country, or come home to a place which was empty for a while, and see specks of something? What was it?
2 Have you scared it off with your noise of arrival or is it still lurking?
3 Is it annoying or dangerous?
4 How do you get rid of it?
5 How do you deal with it psychologically?

First identify the problem's cause:
Everything is on the internet, from
Dusty piles - from termites
Diminutive droppings the size of a speck of pepper (cockroaches in America, Europe and Singapore) on your dining table, kitchen worktop and inside cupboards
Bedbugs black and red spots on sheets (in hotels worldwide and brought back to your home in luggage)
Rodents such as mice and rats leaving piles or trails along rails from nest of babies to food source such as cereal packets
Rats, squirrels and pigeons in the attic making noises at night and gnawing your electric wiring
Snake skins left behind - where is the snake now? The slimy, slippery, slithery snake, hissing when cornered, spitting.
Big piles of droppings, hopefully outside in the garden or garage, not in the house, which are evidence of a bigger animals such as bears and raccoons (USA).

Does it matter? Worst case scenario
You and others may be squeamish. We wanted to rent, return, buy in a block of flats. Our neighbours said they were happy for the block to be demolished in an en bloc sale and for the site to be redeveloped because the buildings had termites. The infestation in several flats was treated. When we moved, at our new destination, our books were unpacked and parts of my family photo album had to be thrown away. I spent three days wiping every photo, tried storing things in the fridge, researched, separate one book from the next, inspected and threw out old boxes and packaging.
Infestations could prevent or delay your renting a property to others, or agreeing to take on or stay in a hotel or guest house or flat or condo
Friends of mine in London had hibernating tortoises which woke and ate wiring and started a fire. The couple had to move home for a while. (The couple later divorced. Maybe the fire and house move was the first straw, the last straw, or one of the straws which broke the camel's back.)
a)My parents in London, England, had a snake in the garden of their bungalow. They moved home, citing other reasons, but I don't think having a snake helped.
b) In America on a press trip we walked around a national park on a trail with signs everywhere warming about snakes. I walked slower and got stuck when a snake slithered onto the path between me and the people ahead. I was just standing frozen for five or ten minutes. Nobody was looking back to see where I was. Eventually when the group reached the far end and somebody came back to find me. Probably their approaching noise alarmed the snake which moved off the path.
c) In Singapore in my first month I heard three snake stories.
1 A snake left its skin in a girl's school back. She found the skin the next day. Now she always zips up back overnight and never leaves them on the floor.
2 At an embassy snakes used to hang over the gate. The resident approached the gate with a dog and one of the snakes spat in the dog's eye which made it very ill and caused pain and expensive visits to the vet.
3 At a hotel with a waterfall the glass doors prevented diners going into the waterfall area to take pictures. A snake had got in from the nearby building site.
4 In the USA and Canada in many areas signs in car parks warn you not to leave sandwiches, drinks or food in your dar. Bears are attracted to the smell. First bears will break into or damage the car, causing expensive repairs and even preventing you from driving. Secondly, bears will frighten and endanger people by lurking around car parks expecting food.

Tips -
To avoid transporting bedbugs from one hotel bedroom to another, or from hotels to home, don't put your suitcase on a hotel bed. Use the luggage rack. Keep luggage zipped up.

Website Tips
I tend to avoid giving my emails to sites which demand your email before giving you information. My inbox is overflowing and my computer is going slow. However, you may be happy so I'm including some more useful sites:

I have several other posts on termites, snakes and other problems. Please search my posts for whatever interests or amuses you. Please follow, like and share my posts.
More profiles, posts, photos and videos by and about 'Angela Lansbury, author, poet and travel writer, toastmaster' on:
Facebook, linkedIn, Twitter, Instagram.
You can see excepts from my books and buy them for yourself and others on and
If you see me, I can sign a book for you.
Angela Lansbury, travel writer and photographer, author and speaker.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Sketching commuters on Singapore MRT have their art displayed on stations

How do you draw a sketch of somebody on a train without your hand jerking on the page when the train jolts and stops?
How do you deal with any angry person when you have drawn them or their girlfriend?

These questions are answered by one of the sketchers I found through the Facebook page.

I was walking briskly through the underpass of exit C at Beauty World underground station on the Downtown line when a group of sketches caught my attention.

The information panel told me about the Facebook page Commute sketch.


Angela Lansbury, travel writer and illustrator.

What I learned teaching English As A Foreign Language In Singapore

How do you teach English as a foreign language to pupils who themselves speak different foreign languages? How do you teach a ten week course from a thirty chapter textbook?

1 Follow a text book course, fitting the number of chapters to the number of weeks on the school course or year for which the pupils have paid and committed.

2 Remove the last week / lesson for giving out results. Remove the previous week / lesson for the exam.

Marking Exams
You may need a weekend to allow time to mark all the papers if the school is giving out awards.

If you are simply doing a test, you can get the pupils to swap papers and mark each other's work. If you don't like the idea of two friends swapping papers, swap the papers of people who sit far away from each other.

Alternatively, let each pupil play at being an examiner. Conceal the names on the papers with post-its. Let the pupils do the commenting on how some of the pupils have done well, others badly, which papers were hardest, what the person marked as a fail has to do to reach the passmark.

Ask those with problems answering or low marks or lower marks then they expected to say what they found hardest. Reveal the names of those who did best and ask them to stand up and advise the others on how to revise and remember.

If you cannot do this for the final exam, do it for the mock exam.

Mock Exam
Remove the week before exam for a mock exam. Remove a week before that for revision (unless you can do revision in the first half of the lesson and the mock exam in the second half.

Spacing Lessons
Check the number of weeks remaining and the number of chapters you need to cover. Supposing you need to cover only one chapter and have two lessons. You can then have pupils reading the chapter aloud and starting it in one lesson, reading out the answers or doing the questions a second time in the next lesson.

On the other hand, you might have two chapters to cover in a day or week, but only one lesson. In that case do one chapter in the lesson and set the other one for the pupils to read for homework.

Games Lessons
If you have a spare lesson in the afternoon, this can be a fun and games lesson, using the material learned. For example, if you have taught them to say, I am taller than you are, they can line up in height order. Then starting at the front each person will say, I am taller than you are to the pupil on one side, and you are taller than I am, and I am smaller than you are, to the person on the other side.

You can buy books of language games. Make up your own. Ask the pupils to devise a game. Ask other teacher for a game. Check the school library or resources box. Ask the head of department or school head for games.

Angela Lansbury, travel writer and author, English teacher.

Learning languages: repetition is not wasted time

I am learning Italian, German and Romanian using the website Duolingo which offers free courses.

Sometimes I use the website ap on my mobile phone while traveling on the train and then when I reach the destination station I have to leave the unfinished lesson half way through.

When I return to the lesson later in the day one of two things happens. Either

1 Sometimes I have to start all over again.
2 Mostly I can continue where I left off.

At first when I found I had to start the lesson from the beginning, it felt like a waste of time.

1) I proceed quicker than the first time I did the whole exercise, and get more answers right immediately.

2 When I simply continue with the second half, I often forget the words I learned earlier and get the second half of the lesson wrong.

Just consider that you are adding to the repetitions needed to cement the knowledge.

Author, Angela Lansbury, travel writer and photographer, author and speaker and language teacher.


The word G u a r D a r e  in Italian means to watch (not to Guard). It is like the English word regard. In the old days instead of guards and bodyguards a city or castle. Would have a watchman or night watch, like the Rembrandt painting.

Sunday - Rest - Victor Borge Classic Collection - The Legendary Victor Borge - time off - relax

Sometimes you just need a break from work and worry and travel on a Sunday, ready to return reinvigorated on Monday.
The Christian Sabbath is Sunday - named after the day of the Sun. Monday is the day of the moon. Moon, loon, l u n d i in French. Time to learn languages and relax.

The Jewish Sabbath is Saturday, when the Orthodox do not read (except the sacred texts in synagogue, nor travel - which in the olden days would have been tiring if you walked and would have tired your horse or donkey if you travelled a distance with a vehicle.

The Muslim weekly holiday is Friday.

Many Museums and restaurants close on Monday to give their staff a day off.

Now many countries have the luxury of the weekend (in French le weekend). What do you do at the weekend? Pray, rest, sport, shopping, washing, relaxing, family, feasting?

If you are at home, you can travel in time and watch comedy which is understandable in all languages from times past on the internet.

Angela Lansbury, travel writer.

Learning Languages - A Hint About German

The German word for clues is
Die Hinweise
How to I remember this?

The first three letters Hin are like the English word hint. Hint is like hunt.
We are hunting for a hint, a clue.
Hinweise - clue.
We must hunt the HINt (hint) and be W e ISE (wise).

Another memory aid - it's German die as in the English word die.
Just in case you thought the word meant hint, it doesn't

The cluE is in the last letter hinweisE.

Angela Lansbury, author and speaker. Teacher of English and other languages.

Learning language methods - sight, sound and doing

How do you learn best? Why do you start some language systems and soon get bored? How can you teach others?

Teachers are taught that there are three learning methods. Some people learn best by seeing. Others prefer hearing. Others like to take an action.

To teach others, and yourself, you have to use all three methods.

If you like traditional learning you will read a text book or blog on the train or plane or while waiting. 

If you like listening you will click on the sound symbol to hear a word and buy discs or systems which combine books and discs. I like Duolingo app because it is free, divided into short chunks so I can do a small amount every day, and uses both sight and sound.

When flying on Singapore Airlines and New Zealand Airlines, I watched films (movies) in English with Italian subtitles, then in Italian with English subtitles.

Angela Lansbury
books on Amazon and
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Please follow, like and share my posts.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Malaysia word for club

How to learn and remember Malay words?

In Singapore the words for buildings such as community centres or community clubs are translated into Malay. Take a photo and notice the similarities and differences in spelling.

I walked past a club building in Singapore and saw the word but thought it would be a good idea to record the word. Ao I took a photo. I wrote up the word on my blog using my phone.

However, a day later, checking on my laptop back in my office, I found the spell checker had changed the word.

I was horrified. I had told other people the wrong word and looked inefficient.

I corrected the word by adding spaces. I decided to learn and profit from the mistake. I can use the change to kebab as a memory aid. Just change the middle letter. The result is a five letter word instead of the English four letter word. We eat kebab in the k e l a b .

In theory you can correct spelling by having the patience to wait and re-read your draft text. Then check the blog in view. This takes time. It is also fiddly when you are in a hurry and loading up on a mobile phone.

You have to keep re-reading. I typed a five and the spell checker turned the word into alive.

When learning new words make sure you visualise and say the words to yourself three times.

What is the Malay for club? K e l a b.

What is club in Malay? K e l a b.

What does the word k e l a b mean? CLUB.


What is the Malay for club? K e l a b

What is club in Malay? K e l a b.

What does the word k e l a b mean? CLUB.

What is the Malay for club? K e l a b

What is club in Malay? K e l a b.

What does the word k e l a b mean? CLUB.

The Malaysia word for club is k e l a b. Like club but starting with K then e than lab. (Spell checker wants to turn it into kebab.) Malaysian language is phonetic - written the way it sounds.

Angela Lansbury, English teacher, language teacher, author and speaker.
Please read my posts, follow and share.

The Frog in the Well

I saw an advertisement in a Singaporean newspaper saying, 'Don't be a frog in the well'. What did it mean? It sounds like the the phrase, an ostrich with its head in the sand.

It means don't be narrow minded.

Angela Lansbury, travel writer and photographer, author and speaker.

Confusing Foreign Words in German, Italian and Malay

You see word in a foreign word which looks like English but the two words are not related.

You have to learn the correct word through repetition or make aug a memory aid.


German - English
Das Kapitel - the chapter (not the capital - remember the chapter is capital)

English - German
the capital - die Hauptstadt

Ricordare is not record but remember. More like recall. You could make up a memory aid sentence such as 'hard to record in your brain and remember'.

On the other hand it is easy to remember that difficile is Italian for difficult.

ayer - pronounced air means water
remember the place name Telok Ayer means water

I was about to say that water is a more common name than air (I was thinking of the English place name Virginia Water) when I thought of Buenos Aires which means good air in Spanish

Angela Lansbury, teacher of English and languages. See my books on and

The Queue in Britain, The Line in America and the worldwide queue ...

How to queue? What to say to q-jumpers? How to jump queues in emergencies?

UK - queuing is the norm.
You will find lines ordered by barriers in airports and post offices.
Signs should make it clear which queue to join.
Ask who is last, and stand behind them.

In Perth, Australia, I queued at hotel reception for about ten minutes in a four or five star hotel. Then I was told I was in the wrong queue. I looked at the other queue and saw another ten minute wait. My face must have said it all. The receptionist said, "Follow me". She told me to stand to the right of the head of the queue. She went behind the desk and spoke to the person serving. The person serving finished dealing with the customer and then beckoned me forward.

If in doubt, ask the person at the back of the queue what they are waiting for. If they are not sure, ask the person at the head of the queue. If all you want to ask is, "Where are the lifts?" stand to the right of the head of the queue and shout loud enough to be heard by the person behind the desk and the first few in the queue. You might get the answer from the person behind the desk. You might get an answer from somebody in the queue without having to join the queue and without annoying people at the front.

Article in the BBC News about queuing :

Angela Lansbury, author.

Clearing Cluttered Email, Finding Meetings, Problem Solved

How do you clear clutter from your inbox to find today's meetings?

Create a new email for vital messages. Gradually eliminate unwanted mailings from the old one. (You may need to devote half a day to coding this, perhaps Sunday morning or afternoon. When your old inbox is clear, you can transfer the new messages back, or stay with the new one, having told people by personal emails, or started a forwarding system, or update automatically on each system's change of address notification page.
Supposing you yo-yo between two cities or two countries or two companies. It would be obvious that if you worked for Shell and Cat Rescue that you would have two emails, MrJon/Jane-Smith-At-Shell and MrJon/Jane-Smith-at-cat-rescue. You can adopt the same principle for countries and cities. MrJon/Jane-Smith-in-USA and MrJon/Jane-Smith-Europe/Asia/NZ. Similarly, Jon/JaneinNY and Jon/JaneinLA.

I switch to a new country and I can't work out where I am meant to be - my email in box is full of so many messages about meetings from my last destination, plus items I wanted to buy for a different season.

If you don't want somebody else (relative or company) to have access to my computer to clean it up, check on the internet or ask them what they would do. Then I do it.
Don't let the emails inundate you. Cheer yourself up. Be in control.Knowing what to do is the first step in a four part process:
a) Identify problem.
b) identify solution.
Get familiar with idea of the solution. (Thinking time, or take a break, or sleep on it.)
Return to Resolve. You know what should be done. List actions. Decide to do it, today, tomorrow, ideally take first step.
Often once you have taken the first step you are on your way. Once you have got into the car, you automatically start driving. Once you have taken up the pen and paper, you start writing. Once you have invited your friend for tea, you start rushing to buy the food, make the food and sweep the floor. Once you have checked your bank balance, you plan to start saving or stop spending. Once you have seen the leaking problem, you phone the plumber.
Note time taken and money spent so that you can repeat action next year, or delegate to others.

Moral / Motto
Don't let the buzzers get you down. (My polite version of a less polite saying.)

Angela Lansbury, travel writer and photographer, author and speaker.
Author of How to get out of the mess you're in.
See my books on and
I have posts and profiles on, FaceBook, LinkedIn and videos on YouTube. Please like my posts, follow me and share.