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Tuesday, January 10, 2017

ChineseSkill and Duolingo language courses

How do I find a free Chinese language learning system online?

ChineseSkill. It's an ap for mobile phones. Chinese usually means Mandarin. (Other Chinese languages are known as dialects and include Cantonese used in Hong Kong.)

Where did I find out about this? I looked up Duolingo on Wikipedia.

Why? I shall be going to Singapore later in the year. It irks me when I rely on my Singaporean Chinese friends to translate menus and talk to taxi drivers. I also envy them their ability to converse in three or four or more languages.

I am currently learning Italian and German on Duolingo. I should finish the courses by the end of January and then must re-do them to cement my knowledge. The course has a redo option at the end of every lesson. The lessons are in five minute chunks.The redo should be faster and easier than the first time.

I've signed up to be notified of several the new languages on Duolingo. Hindi and Indonesian are on the list of those under development.

Angela Lansbury, B A Hons, CL, ACG. Author, public speaker, teacher of English and other languages.
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