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Monday, January 30, 2017

Learning Languages - My Memory Aids For German

How do you remember words in foreign languages?

Find visual or sound match or an idea link. If you are lucky, you will be asked three times in the exercises anyway. The memory aid might help remind you forever. Alternatively it might simply help you during learning until the repetition of the newly learned word does the trick.

This morning I tried another Duolingo exercise, which I do daily for five minutes. My two current languages are still German and Italian. (I also started Romanian, in preparation for a trip I might or might not take this year or next, but forgot until I started writing this post.)

sie - she (first and third letters are the same)
Verlag - publisher - one who lags behind paying authors - not necessarily true but acts as a logical sentence - note that in German the initial letter of the noun is a capital letter; however, ver like verity, published the truth, "publish and be damned" she has published, the word published is ver...
Meldungen - Announcements (memory aid - after the melt down they made announcements)
Begründung - justification (memory aid - on what grounds did they justify hiring her/him? It stinks like dung
Thema - topic or subject (memory aid - theme)

German - English
Begründung - justification
Meldungen - announcements
Rezept - recipe
sie - she
Thema - topic
Verlag - publisher

English - German
announcements - Meldungen
justification - Begründung
publisher - Verlag
recipe - Rezept
she - sie
topic - Thema

Angela Lansbury, travel writer and photograph, teacher of public speaking, English language, and learning languages.
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