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Monday, January 2, 2017

Making learning German Easy Study

How do I learn German fast? I do five minutes of German and Italian every day using the website Duolingo (which is free!) Yet, if I'm not careful to remember the words, five minutes later I look back and I've forgotten every one.

Look for patterns in words and links.

Today I looked at one sentence.
Studium is study. Easy. Translating from German to English, just drop the um and you have study studi.
But translating back from English to German, how do you and I remember to add um? I study with him. Study is studi-um. You could even imagine the hyphen (a word starting with the letter h) stand for him.
In the end it doesn't matter whether you remember the memory aid. The effort of looking at the two words and relating them will have helped drive the pair into your memory as a linked couple.

If all else fails, say the pair three times as if you were teaching somebody else.
1 Studium is study. Study is studium. (Oops - auto correct tried to make that s t a d i u m .

2 Studium is study. Study is s t u d i u m.

3 Studium is study. Study is s t u d i u m.

The other word in the sentence I am learning is forschung which is German for research.
I looked at the letters of the German word and saw in the middle R S C H. For - R.S.RCH UNG 'for researching' .
Now I can recognise the German word forschung is research. But how do I accurately translate back into German? Let's try. FOR RSCH UNG.

I am not forcing you to do researching.

Now try the three times rule:
research - forschung - Forschung - research
research - forschung - Forschung - research
research - forschung - Forschung - research

You could type it out and then read it. I typed it out once, copied it twice, then read it three times.

More information from:

Angela Lansbury, travel writer and photographer, teacher and tutor or English and learning other languages. My books include How to Get out of the Mess You're in, a print on demand book from I also have written several other books which you can see for sale new or second hand on Amazon and .
Please follow me on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram. Like my posts and share them. I teach public speaking in the UK and Singapore and English Language private lessons in Singapore. other languages on request - if you need a babysitter / companion for your studies.

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